ok real actual update

Jun 29, 2008 12:56

an actual, less cryptic account of what's been going on lately:
I've started uni and am doing a double major in education and the arts. Shaun is also going back to uni in a month's time to do his master's in education to be an art teacher as graphic design has the worst client's and he's no longer so inclined to put up with them. So we'll both be teachers, which is awesome! While juggling classes, I've also managed to become an assistant manager of my restaurant, which rules. We're up for an award at the restaurant and catering awards in a month for the 5th year running, and I get to go! Black tie affair, so Imma look hot hahaha.
Essentially all I do these days is work and go to uni. With the occasional weekend out at electric or rocket dancing until the wee hours. Mini trip to melbourne and queensland soon too.
Shaun and I are sort of half planning a trip back to the states for a little while. We're aiming for around this time next year so he can actually be in new york and not freeze his ass off, and maybe come back via europe. That's the plan anyway.

And to answer any questions, NO WE'RE NOT HAVING CHILDREN SOON! hahaha. we both enjoy being selfish too much right now, are students, and aren't even sure if we want to remain living in this country in the next 5 years. so no kids!

I went to a 30th birthday party last night for shaun's brother's girlfriend, Sahm. Mainly a bunch of yuppies, most of whom work in banking *shudder*. I think I may have been the youngest person there...it was...awkward. Note to self: never become a yuppie, they're weird.

that's pretty much it for now
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