Nov 22, 2003 20:23
o]Name: Rose
[o]Age: 15
[o]Gender: Female
[o]Sexuality: Straight
[o]Family(brothers, sisters, etc.): Mommy- Rosalia, Daddy- Ramon, My wonderful brother- Ramon jr.
[o]Current Residence: Hialeah Gardens
[o]Languages Spoken(English, French, etc): English, Spanish, and French
[o]Eye color: Hazel
[o]Quiet?: When I'm sleeping :)
[o]Loud?: Working on it
[o]Homophobic?: Uhh? No
[o]Racist?: No guy
[o]Close-Minded?: Probably
[o]Open-Minded?: Depends on what
[o]Rude?: To the ones I love
[o]Polite?: Parents love me!
[o]Gentle?: Hmm...
[o]Rough?: Hell one can tackle me!
[o]Egotistical?: Only to myself, not around others
[o]Sad?: Sometimes
[o]Angry?: Grr...
[o]Happy?: Sure why not?
[o]A Sex Fiend?: pfftt I would need to actually have SEX for that!
[o]A Drug Addict?: Neverrrr
[o]Suicidal?: NOPE
[o]Homicidal?: Uh uh..
[o]Insane?: Clinically insane yes.
[o]Reasonable?: Too freaking much.
[o]Stubborn?: I'm not going to admit to it!
[o]Naive?: Depends on who I'm around, I pretend to be for my convinience.
[o]Ignorant?: Highly doubt it
[o]Obnoxious?: Hahahaha...perhaps
[o]Smart?: I guess...
[o]Depressed?: No
[o]In love?: Nope
[o]Loved?: By my mommy and brother :)
[o]Wanted?: By a five- year old. LMAO
[o]Un-wanted?: By many
[o]An Anime Fanatic?: I LOVE UIA (I think that's how you spell it right NICE?!)
[o]In Love With A Cartoon Character/Actor/Actress/Singer?: NOPE[o]All of the above?: NOPE
[o]Food: Chinese Food...chinese food
[o]Drink: Vanilla Coke, Z-up and Pepsi :) oh yeah and Pina coloda
[o]Movie: Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings (all of them of course)oh and Butterfly Effect...I know it hasn't come out yet but I'm sure I'm going to like it LOL
[o]Book: Too many to name
[o]Cartoon: Hmm...Duck Dodgers
[o]Anime: that dude that Nice likes
[o]TV Show: 70's Show, I mean it has Ashton Kutcher, what else could possibly beat that? LOL
[o]Sexual Position: I wouldn't know?
[o]Song: Outkast stuff...
[o] music group/singer: Evanescense
[o]Actor/Actress: Ashton Kutcher and Hyde in the 70's Show
[o]Coupling(in show, anime, etc.): Sabrina and Harvey :)
[o]Journal Site: This one obviously
[o]Color: Turquoise and Black
[o]Videogame: Animal Crossing, and Sonic
[o]Quote: "Everything is possible through Jesus Christ who strengthens me"
[o]Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi
[o]Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy?: I think Kingdom Hearts
[o]Radio or CD?: CD Evanescense rocks!
[o]Television or Computer?: Computer, I love my friends :)
[o]AO(he)ll or DSL?: DSL THANK GOD
[o]Yahoo! or Google?: Yahoo!
[o]Black or Red?: Black
[o]Loud or Soft?: Soft
[o]Suicide or Homicide?: Neither thank you
[o]Livejournal or Deadjournal?: LIVE journal I mean come on who has journals after they die?
[o]Skirt or Pants?: skirts
[o]Frown or Smile?: "People" say I look cuter when i'm mad ;)
[o]Friends or Loner?: Whatever...
[o]Sane or Insane?: This is going to take a while
[o]Homosexuality or Heterosexuality?: Hetero
[o]Reading or Writing?: Reading
[o]Pen or Pencil?: Pencils suck ass, that's why they're number two :)
[o]PC or Mac?: PC
[o]Johnny the Homicidal Maniac or GloomCookie?: Right...
[o]Empty or Full?: Empty
[o]Soda or Juice?: Soda
[o]White or Black?: Black
[o]Goth or Punk?: Punk.
[o]Labels or No Labels?: No labels
[o]Clothes or No Clothes?: Clothes please, for the benefit of human kind
[o]Dogs or Cats?: Dogs...guys..whatever.
[o]Japan or America?: AMERICA DUMBASS
[o]t.A.T.u. or Evanescence?: Evanescense what type of COMPARISON IS THAT?!
[o]This Survey or Something Else?: Ahem...something else
[o]Do you have a significant other?: Maybe
[o]If you don't, do you *want* one?: I don't think so
[o]If you do, do you think they may be "the one"?: probably not :(
[o]Gay, Bi or Straight?: Str8
[o]Turn-ons?: Sweet, intelligent, sporty, and NOT scared of standing up for what is right.
[o]Turn-offs?: Smokers, p**** bitches...don't need them
[o]What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? I don't look, they find me :)
[o]Preferred eye-color of boyfriend/girlfriend?: Doesn't matter
[o]Preferred hair color or boyfriend/girlfriend?: "
[o]Hair length?: Short
[o]Dark, tan, pale, or white?: tan or white, watever
[o]Height?: Taller than me :)
[o]Last time you went out on a date?: I don't know what that is...
[o]Last time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Three weeks ago
[o]The perfect boyfriend/girlfriend...: MOUTH STAYS SHUT
[o]The worst boyfriend/girlfriend...: MOUTH DEFINATELY STAYS SHUT HERE
[o] ...embarressing moment?: None that I remember
[o] ...exciting moment?: Uhm...::blushes::
[o] ... amazing achievment?: Brown Crayon...first poem :)
[o] time?: ::blushes again::
[o] ...annoying thing ever?: Ms. Roberts ugh damnit!
[o] ...hated thing in the world?: I don't think I have one, but I really dislike people that only carea bout themseleves
[o]Best Friend: Those in my heart....
[o]Most Trustworthy: God
[o]Funniest: Hmmm...I'd have to say Adrian and Daniel
[o]Coolest: Ely, Raquel
[o]Nicest: NICE LMAO
[o]Cuddliest: ::BLUSHES AGAIN DAMNIT!!!::
[o]Sexiest: Janay? LOL
[o]Scariest: Leo LOL
[o]Best Voice: Ashley
[o]Best Smile: Jasmine
[o]Known The Longest: Ahmeer, Ashley...
[o]Funkiest: Nice
[o]Craziest: Ely, Janay, Raquel
[o]One You Want To Kill, Or Wants To Kill You The Most: The guy in Texas Chainsaw Massacre...grrr!
[o]Homicide: Shame shame Shame
[o]Suicide: Doublt Shame
[o]Homosexuality: Away from me please
[o]Anime: I don't give a shit!
[o]Self-Mutilation: Stupid
[o]Violence: Not needed
[o]Rape: Should be thrown in prison and raped by fags
[o]Betrayal: don't care
[o]Abortion: Stupid, if you could open your legs once, then you could do it again and have the baby dumbass
[o]Aliens: Ha yeah okay!
[o]Insanity: happens
[o]Cursing: I'd like to stop
[o]Smoking: Gangster wanabees, that's all i have to say
[o]Drinking: Not into it...
[o]Drugs: If you're dumb enough to do them then w.e not really my problem
[o]Pornography: No thanks
[o]Brittney Spears: Turn bisexual for money
[o]Arnold Squartsa-however-you-spell-his-last-name: Uhm don't really care
[o]War: It happens
[o]Violence On Television: It's one gives a shit
[o]Avril Lavinge: Let the tie go already DAMN
[o]Hilary Duff: Huh like okay OMG ur a fake ass whore! ::giggles:
[o]Posers: Make up most of hialeah
[o]Rap: You know that ur a rapper when you can't rhyme with the words you have, so you make up new ones.
[o]Country: They're always about Alabama
[o]Rock: Depends
[o]Heavy Metal: NO thanks
[o]Yourself: I'm okay
[o]Favorite Subject: Which ever one I actually understand
[o]Least Favorite Subject: Chemistry
[o]Favorite Teachrer: Mrs. Mijares
[o]Least Favorite Teacher: uhm...I dont know
[o]After School?: Vice President
[o]Witchcraft?: Dumb shit, kiss my ass
[o]God?: Love you
[o]Satan?: Haha another dumbass
[o]Aliens?: LMAO sure
[o]Werewolves?: Nope, Just Remus Lupin :)
[o]Vampies?: SPIKE!!!
[o]Faeries?: :( Wish they did exist
[o]Santa Claus?: uh uh
[o]The Tooth Fairy?: LOL no
[o]Alternate Universes?: Nope
[o]Barney?: My nephew luvvvss him
[o]Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Jes...two rabbits and a bear
[o](if you said no)Yes, you do. Stop lying.: Love my Teddy!
[o]Have you ever eaten an entire thing of oreos?: Eww
[o]Can I borrow five dollars?: I don't even have five cents
[o]You're going to die, but you are granted one wish... with your last breath, what do you wish for?: For me to be with Jesus Christ :)
[o]Do you like your life?:Sure
[o]Do you want the world to die?: Just rappers lol jk
[o]Do *you* want to die?: Nope
[o]Do you buy CDs or do you burn them?: Neither
[o]Do you love me?: I love my friends
[o] There is no question here. Well duh there's no question mark.
[o] Did you enjoy this survey?: Hmm I've had better
[o] Were you bored when you did this?: Not really I was talking to someone that kept my attention :)
[o]What time is it right now?: 9:35 PM
[o]Do you remember what time you started?: ??????
[o] Put whatever you want here: I'm happy :) <3333