And here it goes again and again...

Jan 22, 2010 21:08

The job hunt is a never ending process that is definitely leading me no where. I tried a temp agency and they're telling me that I need to give my two weeks notice for both Lobelia and Panorama. I'm sorry, but I don't give my two weeks notice until I get a job offer. I definitely don't quit when I don't have one. I think the lady just wanted my availability to go around her schedule.

Other than that, Luke Cooper of Deal Metrics screwed all the Brigham's employees over. He basically sent everyone 1099 forms instead of the W-2 which means if we file for taxes, the government will think we didn't pay taxes out of our paycheck every week. The catch is that everyone paid taxes. Everyone gets those four pesky taxes taken out. I'm definitely not going to pay more money for his mistake. It's already bad enough that he took our jobs away. Now he wants us to pay. Lame.

I really can't wait to drop Brigham's out of my life forever. It's destroying everyone's lives basically. Thank goodness Lobelia is here. Despite the Brigham's ice cream, I know everything will be much better. However, I want to leave Lobelia before the summer if I can help it. I don't want to be tied to Brigham's for years. It will be five years next month. I definitely need to leave before Feb 2011. I want a new job. Heck, I want a career. I want to be someone. I want to succeed.
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