Dec 09, 2004 22:33
all right, thats it.
i am so tired of freakin being the girl that people walk all over.
now my mom is going to be leaving and she is going to be gone for three weeks and here for 2 weeks.... and for what you ask. for her JOB with homedepot. IM SO TIRED OF THAT CRAP WITH HOME DEPOT. that is her life, im so so tired of it!
i want my mom back!
what does she do when she comes home?! she freaking gets on the phone with work for hours while smoking, avoiding my dad and me, then when she is off the phone, she does nothing but talk about work and how horrible and hard it is going to be because she is getting promoted.... WHAT THE CRAP!
i dont get to see her anymore anyway because im off at college, and she is working this weird shift where she is gone all day, and when she comes home, she has to be in bed by 5:30 at night, which is normally when i come home from school with my dad. so when we come home, she is so tired, that she is not even there. then she smokes and eats a little dinner, and passes out.
as far as im concerned, her life is homedepot....
i dont have anything solid in my life anymore... i have my many aquaintences, but i dont see my old friends anymore b/c they are busy with stuff. the couple of people in my life that were always there,arent anymore. and now im more clingy because im realizing that i dont really have anyone that is my solid anymore and it scares the hell out of me.
there are those that say you are there and i know you are, but your not there also.
forget it... im not being a drama queen, so get rid of that accusation because you have NO idea
im sorry
just forget it
ill throw on the smile, see all better