Apr 12, 2005 18:15

What size: (this is mainly for banners, but some people like small icons)LJ sized.

What do you want wrote on the icon and where: ---i want it to blink(fer long enough to be able to read it) the first image and make it say (on the image i guess on the bottom) If I could take your pain away
.--i want it to then blink the 2nd image and say..on the image--  I would scream for you
And I’ll bleed for you. Then the 3rd image to come up and have a blinking star or something in one of the corners and for it to say-- So you’ll never feel this way again.

a particular font? something readable. u can figure itout bc ur so obviously talented!

Font color? something that matches. ur good. u can figure it out! <333

Any animation? blinking heart and everyting i explained up there.

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