someone made a taste of chaos survey...

Jun 22, 2007 01:02

So someone made a pull up a chair...grab some popcorn or something and enjoy!

Taste Of Chaos 07 SurveySo, you went to Taste Of Chaos huh? did i.what bands did you think were the best?:
   umm...all of them.
what time did you get there?:
   which day? i guess it didn't really matter. i could go whenever i wanted to.
how long did you wait in line?:
   in line to get in? i didn't wait. i never wait. fuck lines.

see that line? i didn't wait in it.
did anything special happen to you while you were waiting in line?:
   did we not just cover this? i didn't wait in line.
if so, what?:
   alright...that's just getting old.
did you meet anyone from the bands?:
   umm...yeah. bert mckracken literally ran into me. no joke. but seriously...
did you see friends that weren't with you?:
   yeah. but only at the chicago and milwaukee dates.
what did you buy?:
   umm...french fries. oh, and pizza in detroit cause that's all they had. 

what bands did you come to see?:
   all of them. but mostly aiden i guess.
in your opinion, what band was the best live?:
  the used got old after a couple shows. 30stm played the same set. senses fail was pretty amazing. saosin was awesome. chiodos was awesome. i fucking love aiden. evaline=love.
how did you like Aiden's "Wall Of Death"?:
   chicago's was pretty fucking awesome. there were two walls of death at the same time. jersey was actually pretty cool too.
did you get an injury?:
not unless you're talking about my ass going numb for twenty hours on the way to new york.
did you take pictures/videos?:
   umm yeah i'm a photographer.
did you crowd surf?:
   hell no. i didn't even stand in the crowd. i stood on the side of the stage.
if so, what band did you crowd surf to?:
   i didn't.
did you have any contact with any of the members from the bands on stage?:
   do you mean while I was on stage? or when the bands were on stage? cause i had contact with a couple of em.

on stage in jersey.
did any of the bands suprise you with their live performance?:
   evaline pretty much surprised me with everything.
did any of the bands dissapoint you with their live performance?:
   not really.
all around, did you have a good time?:
   uh yeah...
who did you go with?:
   ashley. to all of them.

hanging out at dd in asbury park.
did you have to travel out of state?:
   yeah...when do i ever go to only one show on a tour like this?
how about out of country?:
   maybe later...ahem...october.
was it worth it?:
   hell yeah. i fell in love with jersey.
how much money did you spend?:
   not really sure. somewhere close to $500.
are you glad you went?:
   yeah. i wouldn't have missed it for the world.
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