Apr 24, 2015 04:12
there's a storm brewing outside.... i keep seeing bright flashes of lightning outside and all my animals are asleep. i'm sitting in bed with pandora playing all sorts of sad sappy country songs... but i can't change it cause there's nothing else i can listen to right now without either falling asleep or being more distracted than i already am..... i can't be living off these pills.... i need to figure my shit out.
so i'm sitting here and i think about you too much... and i kinda think there needs to be a break from the constant talking.... it's not because i don't have the time for it.... more of a prevention of any sort of band aid type thing.... we're not having sex but we're getting satisfied by at least being able to talk to one another... so i think i need to text you and throw a wrench in this.... but i don't need to tell you. that's the habit i need to break... telling you everything.
i told you anyway...