BlooP! X .) <--- Its a dead fish!!! =P Lol. Incredibly hyper today.
I noticed while reading my past entries that the results for this quiz are incredibly so true.. Things i have recently realized and learned about my self. Kikiiko u are my evil twin. Oh nvm, Im the evil one. I admit it, ok. ((kikiiko's bday is on february, and we act exactly alike, we even dressed EXACTLY alike once... lol))
Your true birth month is february...
Sharp ...
Loves reality
Loves freedom
Temperamental (very)
Low self esteem ...
Honest and loyal
Abstract thoughts
Daring and stubborn
Changing personality
Showing anger easily ohh yeah... sometimes (most of the time) i wish i wasent that way.
Intelligent and clever DUH!! lol j/k
Loves aggressiveness
Quiet, shy and humble ((
Learns to show emotions (depends on the emotion..)
Rebellious when restricted (ppl who know me well know this.)
Determined to reach goals
Superstitious and ludicrous
Dislikes unnecessary things yeah, ask my mom. lol
Realizing dreams and hopes
Too sensitive and easily hurt (i just dont show it.)
Loves entertainment and leisure
Romantic on the inside not outside