[LOG] Gossip Time

Jan 02, 2013 23:07

Who: Sanada and Niou
When: December 14th
Where: Niou’s office
Rating: PG
What: Sanada and Niou catch up and share some gossip.

“Enter,” Niou hollered at the knock to his door. When he saw it was Sanada and not someone stopping by for a random visit or worse, a student actually wanting to talk to him in his role as Sakaki’s TA, Niou tossed the warm can of coffee at him. “Picked us up some drinks. Not that exciting but should warm us up.” With it snowing yet again and the wind determined to go from blustery to gale force, Niou thought a hot drink would be appreciated as they admired his desk and caught up on the juicy details of their and their friends’ lives.

Catching the can easily, Sanada reached into his jacket pocket to extract the squirming ball of fur that was trying to investigate the can of coffee. Holding the kitten up to look at her properly as he sat, the dark haired teen spoke to her with fond exasperation. “You don’t like this. Last time I had a can, you sniffed it and then avoided it like the plague.” Smiling at his friend, he settled Yuki in his lap and opened the can of coffee. “Thanks for this, Niou. Nice office by the way. Especially the desk.” Truly, the large piece of furniture was very impressive to look at, and had likely cost a pretty penny.

“I like it. Fits, has some great drawers and is wonderfully sturdy. But don’t forget my lamp,” Niou said pointing to the funky art deco lamp on the desk that he had talked Sakaki into getting. They were in Hokkaido, it was dark more often than daylight through most of the year proper and funky lighting was a must. Picking up his own can of coffee, he opened and looked over at Sanada and his little kitten. His friend had become so domesticated and boring this semester. Getting a boyfriend and now a little kitten to dote on and he wasn’t even that amusing now that he seemed to be over his initial rampage of stupid.

Looking at the lamp, Sanada had to stifle a laugh at the odd style of it. But oddly, it fit his friend. “Nice. It suits you. And it’s been too damn long since we hung out. Sorry for it mostly being my fault. Were you really the Queen of France at Halloween?” He’d seen the shapeshifter in passing that night, but Halloween wasn’t one of his favorite holidays. Resisting the urge to put his feet up on the corner of the desk just because he could, Sanada tried to hold still while Yuki climbed his jacket to sit on his shoulder.

Niou had no such qualms about feet on his desk and propped his socked feet up on his desk as he leaned back in his posh office chair acquired from Sakaki’s office. He took a sip and nodded, “Yeah, you were busy off playing happy homes with Kaidoh. Totally boring.” Not that having a boyfriend was horrible, but having that boyfriend be the center of your world to the exclusion of everything else, now that was not something Niou could condone. “And I’ll have you know, I make one Hell of a Queen of France. I had a whole court.” He dug his phone out of his pocket and after a few seconds tossed that at Sanada, too, confident he’d catch it before it hit the cat. “Me and if you flick a bit you’ll see a few more shots of me with my guards or King.” Halloween had been a rather successful night, even with Fuji getting Dan’d.

Sticking his tongue out at Niou, Sanada followed suit and propped his feet on the desk as well. “Damn, you really did. And Oshitari as the King was a good choice. Not sure I know the tall guy you got as a musketeer, but I’m glad you had both of the twins. I really need to get ahold of Ryou and find out how he’s doing lately. He was feeling pretty down a few weeks ago, and I know that’s probably worse by now. But you guys went all out on the costumes, they look awesome. And for the record, we weren’t playing happy homes, we were just trying to spend time together. It’s harder now that it’s so cold and he sleeps so much because of it.”

“That’s Ohtori, not-so-pure second year who likes to play with all of my boys,” Niou said pitching his voice just right so Sanada would hopefully get that he really did mean all. Or well mostly all since he was sure that Yuushi at least hadn’t slept with him. And the thought of Yuushi brought a smile to his face. Yeah he could sometimes be annoying when he got on about his romance novels and sappy movies but Yuushi’s powers made playing with him extraordinary fun. Add in Atsushi as his gallant knight and Halloween had ended with a bang. “Yuushi was very thorough about claiming his kingly rights.” His smirk wasn’t quite hidden by the can of coffee he brought to his lips.

Niou didn’t see how spending time together was different than playing happy homes but let the semantics slide. “And it’s good to spend some time apart before you become the same person,” Niou said thinking that hibernating through a Hokkaido winter certainly had its merits.

“Ah, the one who heals people. I’ve heard of him, but I’ve not met him just yet. Is he trying to be you, or is it just a coincidence?” Sanada couldn’t quite picture someone trying to replace Niou, but he had been pretty out of the loop for a while. The comment about Yuushi claiming his “kingly rights” made him laugh a little bit as he toasted his friend with the can of coffee. “Well, more power to you with Oshitari. And Karou and I were not becoming the same person. I just...got really sick of getting in trouble for caring about just one person and wanting to see him happy and healthy and not freezing. And then he got in trouble too, and that really bothered me because it felt like mostly my fault.”

“Probably a weird coincidence... still annoying,” Niou admitted. He still thought Sakaki was stupid for being Ohtori’s first and he wasn’t sure he liked Atsushi teaching Ohtori how to top since really, neither of them were for beginners. Though at least Atsushi knew how to be gentle and treat a beginner. Niou wasn’t sure Sakaki knew how... not to mention the sheer size of the man should rule him out as a first partner. But then again, it was probably better to have Sakaki as your first than Kite. At least when you’d given Kite to play with you however kinkly the man wanted. And Niou could admit that while he thought it was totally crazy, he didn’t mind Ohtori being Kite’s play toy. It helped his friend explore a side of his sex life that Niou wasn’t comfortable with and it obviously made Kite happy to have both what Niou offered him and Ohtori.

“Did you ever get to play with Yuushi before you took yourself off the market? The man’s a marvel.” Yuushi didn’t have the size of Sakaki or animalistic enthusiasm of Kite or even the never-ending energy of the twins but he could see all your fantasies and was often more than willing to help make them come true. And Yuushi was very skilled at that. “I still think you're stupid for fussing so much. Kaidoh’s pretty much a grown man and did survive last winter just fine. You freak out way too easily.” Maybe it was because Sanada didn’t have a physical mutation so he could never fully get how people with them learned to cope and deal with things.

“No, our schedules never really meshed right for me and Oshitari to give each other a try. But hey, more power to you for enjoying time spent with him. Though I can see how that would be annoying with Ohtori playing with the same people you do. Way I hear it, Sakaki’s been cutting back though. That true, or just a rumor?” He wasn’t even going to argue about freaking out too easily, there was no point in that. Niou was right, and he had overreacted. A lot. But, since it wasn’t within his range of abilities to go back and change the past, there was no point in angsting over it now.

As they were sitting and chatting, Yuki started to get a little curious. Hopping down from Sanada’s shoulder to his lap, she used his legs as a bridge to climb over to the desk. Once on the hard surface, she sniffed around for a few moments before sitting prettily in front of Niou and tilting her head to the side as she looked up at him.

Niou looked at the cute kitten staring at him and gave it a little wave. “What, kitty?” Niou asked it and then looked up at Sanada before glancing back down at Yuki. A few months ago, he would never have believed that Sanada would be carrying around a little fluff ball with him. Or dating a snake but he’d had longer to come to grips with that one. “What can I say? If I see someone I want, I go for it. And very much enjoy it.” He’d yet to have an encounter he didn’t enjoy on some level and he planned to keep it that way. “And Sakaki has been slowing down. Think it might be more his harem members finding other people than him... but we’ll see.” His own time with Sakaki was as stable as ever though not every lesson was spent sexually now since he had a list of things to get through with Sakaki when it came to testing the boundaries of his powers.

Chuckling softly as Yuki mewed at his friend, Sanada gestured toward her with his drink. “I think she wants you to pet her. The twins seem quite fond of her, and presumably her brothers too. She didn’t shy away from them at all. And hey, more power to you for going after the ones you want when you want them.” The news about Sakaki made him pause for a moment as he considered other rumors he’d been hearing. “I suppose that could be the case with Sakaki’s harem, but I thought I heard it was more due to Hanamura staking a claim on him. Could be wrong on that, but I don’t think I am.”

“I’m more of a dog person,” Niou admitted but then leaned forward to scoop up the ball of fluff and put her on his lap so he could pet her easily. “But I’m glad that she doesn’t mind the twins. They seem to get bummed when small animals run away from them.” Especially fellow felines who they could actually communicate with. “Oh there is definitely something going on between Hanamura and Sakaki but since I’m still alive, she either somehow doesn’t know, or hasn’t told him to ditch the harem yet... or what do the twins call it... the seraglio.” He thought that word was pretty fun.

Yuki settled into Niou’s lap happily, always pleased to be petted and showered with affection from new people.

“A dog person? Never would have guess. I always took you as more of a cat-boy person.” Sanada smirked as he heard Yuki start purring from the other side of the desk. “I thought there was. I didn’t think I’d heard that one wrong, though I’m shocked she hasn’t told him to ditch his harem. I would have thought that would be one of her first acts once they hooked up. She seems like the jealous type to me. Though seraglio isn’t a term I think I’ve heard before. Is it a word for harem?”

“Special circumstances,” Niou countered. Though those special circumstances had made him quite skilled at petting any and all type of kittens and the purring pleased his ego. “From what Atsushi told me it means harem. At least that’s what they used when Ryou and I were teasing Atsushi about having one.” That had been an interesting and very fun morning that Ryou had desperately needed. “Not sure what’s going on with Sakaki and Hanamura... sure when they sort things out and shack up properly I’ll be one of the first to know.” As Sakaki’s secretary and his most consistent harem member.

“Valid point, and Atsushi totally has one. Just because he doesn’t top, doesn’t mean he hasn’t got his pick of the school. And when the teachers do finally settle down, I’m sure you and the twins will be off locked in some room together for a while as you relearn how to keep up with them both without Sakaki’s help in sating them partially. Maybe I might even start trusting the words that come out of Hanamura’s mouth by then.” Sanada’s voiced got a bit quiet at the end, as though he was speaking out loud. He knew she hadn’t overtly done anything to make him distrust her, but she just rubbed him the wrong way.

Niou chuckled at that and shook his head. “Ryou still seems to be sticking to that stupid faithfulness promise to Shishido. If the bastard ever returns he can take care of him just fine.” If Atsushi and Niou decided to let Shishido do so and not drown him in the lake for causing Ryou so much stress and discomfort in his absence. “And even now, Atsushi isn’t playing much with Sakaki so I think he’ll be okay if he gets cut out.” Not to mention that if Sakaki cut everyone out of the harem, then he’d also have more time and energy to devote to pleasing Atsushi when he wasn’t off playing with others. That is if Kite didn’t try to claim some of that time. Which Niou rather thought he’d be open to if Sakaki wasn’t around to help fulfill certain needs.

“Yeah, well, he better come back soon. Just because I’m not sleeping with either of the twins doesn’t mean they aren’t still my friends, and Ryou is really hurting over not knowing what’s going on. So I hope you and Atsushi leave him at least sort of alive for me to have a turn at him after.” It really bothered Sanada to see quiet, sweet Ryou stressing so much over a guy who couldn’t even be bothered to pick up the phone or send an email saying he was ok. “Atsushi’s moved on to targets more in his own age range then? Or has he been cutting back all around?” Because if neither twin was as needy as they’d been in the past, he was going to start worrying about those boys.

“He should either come back or cut him free and stop toying with him. Atsushi and I have taken it upon ourselves to help him out and while he’s feeling better I think he feels a bit guilty for it, too.” Even without intercourse he knew that Ryou was still torn over being unfaithful. But if it was between a bit of guilt and Ryou’s sanity, there was no debate. Ryou’s needs came before Shishido’s wants. “And Atsushi is definitely not cutting back.” Niou was kept very busy by pleasing that particular tiger and while they didn’t always talk about their other partners, Niou knew that Atsushi still had some that he played with while Niou was busy or tired or just when Atsushi was looking for something different. “I’m trying to get him to come play with Kite and me one time. When I first mentioned it he was all on board. But then some things happened and now he seems more on the fence.” Niou wasn’t sure it was going to happen at all but he still thought it was worth giving it a whirl.

“He really should. It’s not fair to him at all, and this is going to hurt Ryou more in the long run the longer Shishido drags it out.” Sanada crushed his empty coffee can with one hand, not at all pleased to know that one of his friends was suffering in such a way. “Well, from talking with Kite, I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. At least some of his darker impulses have an outlet, so I don’t need to pound him as a warning to not try any of that with Atsushi. Which would lead to having to find a way to placate a pissed off cat boy who is more than capable of taking care of himself. And I still need to figure out what to get both of them for Christmas. And what to get for you for that matter, Niou.”

Niou couldn’t help but chuckle at overprotective Sanada was of the twins. You’d think the guy would have his hands full with fussing over Kaidoh. Maybe Sanada secretly wanted to be a hero... or a mother hen. Niou was very tempted to suggest that last one but thought it was best to save it for another day and maybe a gag gift. “Kite asked me if I wanted to do some kinkier things with him but I turned him down. And I gotta say, I thought he’d bring it up again but he’s been really cool about it. I give him one thing and Ohtori gives him something else so it works out pretty well.” Really good for him since he got to play with and oil Kite’s wings and get the wild thorough poundings he loved without having to endure any humiliation or submission stuff that wasn’t really what he was into. “Kite’s a good guy if you can look beyond his intimidating looks and all those scary rumours about him.” He was pretty sure the mafia ties one was flat out false at this point but it was still fun to muse on.

“And if ya want to get me something useful, how about a nice condom and lube gift basket filled with a bunch of fun and silly ones.” It would please both him and his partners he imagined. And Sanada certainly had the balls to go out and put that sort of gift together.

“He really is a pretty decent guy. Last sparring session, he brought his falcon along to keep Yuki entertained so we didn’t have to worry about her wandering in between us. I’m glad he hasn’t kept pestering you about trying some of the stuff he’s into, that’s just not ok to do to someone.” Sanada shook his head with a bit of a chuckle at Niou’s description of Kite. Though the Christmas present idea made him change that chuckle to an outright laugh. “Shall I pick you up some festive condoms? Or wasabi flavored lube? You know the twins do love wasabi.”

“Ew gross,” Niou said and tossed his empty can at Sanada’s head. “Think normal but fun not deranged.” He doubted even Fuji, who adored all things wasabi would want to experiment with putting it in such sensitive places.

Swatting away the empty can, Sanada couldn’t help grinning. “What? You don’t think the twins would like that? Ok, ok, how about glow in the dark ones then?”

Niou actually considered that one. “A bit cheesy, but could be fun,” Niou said. Or they’d all end in giggle fits as they played around with glow in the dark cocks. Though he had been thinking of ribbed or bumpy or fun flavoured lubes or something. But who was he to spoil Sanada’s fun as long as it wasn’t going to mentally scar him.

“Eh, I’ll just surprise you with some then.” Pulling his feet down, Sanada picked up the empty can he’d swatted away and threw it and his own in the little trash can next to Niou’s desk. “So, since I’ve been out of the loop for so long, is there any other gossip I’m missing out on?”

“Hmmm what’s gonna interest you...” Niou said as he tried to think about the really good and juicy pieces of gossip he had. “Have you met the new guy Yagyuu? He’s from France.” Niou still wasn’t sure what he thought of the guy but if Sanada was still on the prowl he would definitely send him Yagyuu’s way.

“I think I’ve heard of him, and possibly seen him in passing. But no, I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. What’s he like? Uptight, laid back, a narc, fellow troublemaker? The newest person I’ve met was Kabaji-kun. Got the little princess from him.” Sanada nodded vaguely at the white ball of fluff still purring away in Niou’s lap.

“You are way behind the times my man,” Niou said and looked down at the kitten. He had no doubt that the fluff ball would be spoiled rotten like a princess. “And Yagyuu definitely isn’t as polite and proper as he makes out to be. He totally has a naughty side just not sure if he’s a fellow troublemaker or opposition.” Niou shrugged and figured he’d worry about that when something actually came of it. For now, Yagyuu hadn’t done anything too worrisome and he did make for fairly decent company the few times they’d got together. “His power is about lights and stuff. Sort of like Taki but less uncool.” He was pretty sure Yagyuu had only shared one of his powers but Niou knew how to play a long game and was sure he’d discover the secondary one soon enough.

“Am I? I’ve been trying to get ahead on my schoolwork for next term and get that senior project done, so I suppose I haven’t been paying attention too well. Another light user, huh? I think I might have seen him during the blackout. Sitting in a corner reading, right?” Possible competition, huh? Sanada smirked mentally, thinking that perhaps he and Niou should make a statement in the near future to see if this Yagyuu character took it as a challenge or not.

“How goody two-shoes of you,” Niou said looking unimpressed with Sanada’s new found scholary ways. “And dunno, I showed up late. But I saw him around doing other things, too.” Stalking Yagyuu wasn’t really a high priority during the blackout so if he’d holed himself up reading in a corner it would’ve been easy enough to miss. “If you ever go to his tea party things, you should see if he’ll play host for you. I think he wants to be Tamaki or Kyouya... do you know Host Club?” Niou did not want to explain how he knew about such a girly series but having some knowledge did make Yagyuu’s little tea party in the ‘third music room’ that much more amusing.

“From what little I know of him, I’d peg him as more like Kyoya. But I might have to give one of them a shot just to see what he’s like. Maybe get a few ideas myself. Since, even though it might seem like it, winter won’t last forever. And you know the more I get done now, the more I can slack off come next term. Besides, researching for my project is a bitch at times. The more I can get done now, the better in the long run.” And Sanada was not going to admit his own Tamaki-like tendencies, even though he knew they’d been rather obvious. Though he could honestly blame one of his brother’s ex’s for getting him hooked on the series.

“I can’t believe you know this series,” Niou said. Sanada didn’t even have a sister to blame it on so he wasn’t sure how Sanada knew. Unless of course he just enjoyed watching girly anime between the porn. Niou could almost believe that one. “When did you become so boring and responsible?” Niou asked feeling that perhaps he should put a bit more effort into this research project. But he wasn’t too worried about it yet. “Who are you doing for the project?”

“One of the Asshat’s exes got me into it. She was tolerable, and maybe that’s why he dumped her.” Shrugging, Sanada tried to look offended. “Oi! I can be responsible without being boring! I just don’t make a habit of it. That would be boring. And I’m doing one of my ancestors, Sanada Yukimura. Who are you doing?”

“Brother’s ex and researching an ancestor?” Niou gave a theatrical groan and would have moved physically if there wasn’t a cat on his lap. “That’s so boring. And my project is a secret.” All the best projects were until they were revealed in all of their full glory.

“What? Not all of us can be exciting and mystifying every second of the day, you know. You wouldn’t be so unique if you had that much competition.” Spotting a blank sheet of notebook paper, Sanada balled it up and chucked it at Niou’s head as he gave a mock pout.

“Nah, no competition, I’d still be the best,” Niou said as he caught the paper ball. “Have you seen Atobe lately?” He asked.

"Yes! What in the hell happened to him? Is he starting a visual kei band or something? Or did someone give him a personality transplant?" Sanada's eyes widened a bit as the ice diva was brought up, clearly ready to gossip about him as much as Niou was willing.

“No clue. Sort of beats mopey depressed Atobe.” If only because he didn’t feel as bad picking on rock star Atobe as he did when the guy was starving himself and angsting. “Seems like he might be moving on though.” And Niou planned on sorting those rumours out tomorrow when he was sure he could track down Fuji when he was alone. He wasn’t sure he approved of his bff making out with Atobe. Actually, he was rather positive he didn’t approve. “But the piercings and the whole look just make me laugh.” Not to mention want to tug on all the piercings or poke at them.

"I know. He looks like he's trying too hard to prove he's moving on. Which makes me think that he's trying to convince himself just as much as everyone else. But at least he stopped moping around all the time. Who was he even pining for in the first place?" Dropping his feet to the ground, Sanada leaned forward and put his elbows on Niou's desk.

“He’s definitely a try hard case,” Niou said. He looked curiously at Sanada trying to figure out if he really didn’t know who Atobe was pining after. Niou considered it a rather open secret but he also had a certain amount of loyalty to Sakaki so didn’t feel he could just bluntly say it. “You really don’t know who Atobe got his heart crushed by?” Maybe Sanada, like himself, just couldn’t believe anyone was dumb enough to actually fall for a teacher since it would only lead to pain.

"Seriously, was it really Sakaki? He really fell for a teacher like that guy?" Sanada shook his head, feeling bad for Atobe for once.

“The stupidity was mutual,” Niou said confirming what Sanada knew and more than hinting that the reverse was true about Sakaki, too. “But then a hot red-headed siren showed up. And the rest they say is history.” He grinned at Sanada from his lounged back position in Sakaki’s old chair and feet propped up on a desk Sakaki gave him for his birthday and wondered how much longer he’d have before the hot redhead siren made this history, too. Maybe he’d get lucky.

Watching as Yuki scaled Niou's legs to plop down and give herself a bath right on top of all of his paperwork, Sanada sighed. "Sakaki clearly can have at least somewhat healthy adult relationships, and yet he was chasing a student? That makes him seem like even more of a creeper than his harem of willing bodies. And I'm shocked said red head hasn't put a stop to his extracurricular activities yet. She doesn't strike me as the type to share well."

“Who knows what goes through their minds,” Niou said as he watched Yuki settle herself on the paperwork. Oh well, not his homework getting crinkled. “But there’s nothing wrong with open relationships.” He wouldn’t really call what he and Atsushi had a relationship, but if he did, it’d certainly be an open once since they were both comfortable with each other having outside partners.

"As long as everyone agrees to it, that's true." Nodding agreement, Sanada stretched in his seat. "Anything else I'm missing out on?"

“This and that. Never a dull moment here. Anyone you’re thinkin’ of?” Niou asked. Sometimes it was easier to just fill Sanada in on people he was interested in than going through all the gossip he knew of.

“Hmm, unless you have any word on what Ryuuzaki’s up to, I can’t really think of anything. Unless there’s something you want to talk about.” Shrugging, Sanada relaxed and enjoyed his friend’s company.

“Ryuuzaki remains as mysterious as ever,” Niou said with a casual shrug. He, like most others at the school, wanted to find out more about Ryuuzaki and especially her powers but even Niou found he couldn’t get much insight into her. It didn’t help that spying on Ryuuzaki was just a little off putting. “And can’t think of anything... unless you have gossip you want to share.” Sanada had been in his boring little Kaidoh world for most of the semester so Niou didn’t expect much from him. But it never hurt to ask.

Sanada thought on that for a long moment, but couldn’t come up with anything. “Nothing’s coming to mind at the moment. I’m a bit worried how well Inui’s kittens are surviving given his hobby of making juices, and I really wish there was a way to keep Kaidoh from being so dormant so that he’d actually eat, but those are more personal things. I don’t have the connections you do anymore.”

“That’s because you’ve become old and boring,” Niou said without missing a beat. “Animals have better survival instincts than humans so I’m sure they’re doing fine. And if Kaidoh’s mutation makes him hibernate through winter he probably doesn’t have to eat as much anyway.” Sanada could just ask Kaidoh what it was like for him last winter or maybe do some research on care and maintenance of snakes but he was sure his friend will figure those ones out eventually.... maybe.

“Ok, I might give you the boring thing, by your standards at least. But I’m not that old! We’re the same age now for crying out loud.” Crossing his arms, Sanada sulked a bit at being called old. Just because he was choosing to try to be more responsible and make up for how hot headed he’d been lately didn’t mean he was some kind of fuddy duddy. “I have done my research, and I know that snakes do tend to hibernate in the winter, but that doesn’t mean I can’t worry about him. You know you’d be worried if Atsushi suddenly started acting differently, even if it was because of his cat side. Are you two ever going to admit how much you actually care about each other beyond really good friends with lots of benefits?”

“Yeah but you totally look older,” Niou said and then leaned forward, feet going to the ground, to pet Yuki who was still claiming space on his desk. “And I wouldn’t worry about Atsushi unless he said it was something worth worrying about.” He had only worried about the way Ryou was acting because Atsushi and Ryou himself were showing signs of worrying about it. And then Niou stepped up to ease some of the pressure that had been building inside Ryou and they’d all relaxed and had a good time.

“Why do we have to admit anything?” Niou asked. He carefully scooped up the kitten and cradled her to his chest, petting between her ears. “Not everything needs labels and stuff.”

“Maybe not, but even if they don’t need labels, feelings deserve to be acknowledged. Your own, and his, too. Even if you agree to keep things as they are, I would swear there have been times that I’ve seen him look at you like he wants to say something but he is afraid it would ruin things. Just because I don’t sleep with the twins anymore doesn’t mean I don’t care about them.” Sanada watched Niou cuddle Yuki with a sad fondness. He wasn’t trying to ascribe everyone to monogamy, he just wanted to see his friends be happy. And while he wasn’t sure what to do to help Ryou feel better, maybe he could do something for Atsushi. Or at the very least, he could give Niou something to think about.

“We’re fine,” Niou said and put Yuki down on his desk and gave her a nudge to get her to walk toward her ‘daddy’. “Just because we don’t broadcast things to the school doesn’t mean we don’t talk about stuff.” True they may not have had the deep meaningful feelings talk but they have discussed various things together and Niou felt that they had a good understanding and things were going well for them. And if Atsushi wanted more or clarification he doubted his fiesty tiger would stay silent on it.

Yuki pranced across the desk, head and tail both held high. When she reached the edge, she sat down and stared at Sanada quietly, waiting for him to pick her up.

Reaching out to gently pick up the little kitten, Sanada set her on his shoulder and sighed a bit. “You know, you’re a master at avoiding subjects with me, so why should I think you’re any different with him? Just because you talk doesn’t mean you’re saying the things you should be saying at times.” He just wanted his friends to be happy. And since he couldn’t make everyone that had fallen for Niou happy, he could at least try for one of them.

“Am I? And I say what needs to be said to those that it needs to be said to,” Niou said leaning back in his desk chair and once more propping his feet up on the desk now that the kitten was safely perched on Sanada. “But I can’t change who I am.” He paused and thought about what he just said and chuckled. “Okay, I can change who I am... but you know... not what I can offer. And I never pretend otherwise.” He was upfront about what he could give those who shared his bed to limit any future misunderstandings or heartbreak.

“I never said you didn’t. I know full well what you tell people. But you’re one of my best friends, and there’s always a chance that someday you’re going to either find someone who makes you want to settle down, or you’ll hit that point on your own. I just hope you won’t have burned too many bridges by then.” And he meant every word of that. Sanada had a small circle of people he considered to be his truest friends, and they mattered a great deal to him. He didn’t think wanting them to be happy was an issue.

“My bridges are fine.” Especially since there was one bridge he would never dare to cross until he was sure he wanted to settle down. And even the thought of Atobe being on the other side of the bridge didn’t worry him. He doubted he’d be there long before being chucked off of it. And his bridge with the twins, Atsushi especially, were not so easily flammable, even if Atsushi may be harbouring deeper feelings than himself. But then he doubted that his kitten would ever demand exclusivity from him even if they did both confess since Atsushi was a frisky guy. So settling down into boring monogamy wasn’t really an issue with them anyway. “But thanks for the concern.”

“You’re welcome.” Sanada smiled a bit at Niou as he tried to think of something to change the subject to. “What else have we got to catch up on?”

“I think we’re good for now,” Niou said accepting the change of topic for what it was but not wanting to get into any more deep conversations by accident. “Unless you wanna see about taking over the lounge and hooking the wii up for some fun.”

“Bowling, tennis, or racing?” It had been a while since he’d gotten to play, and Sanada knew Niou would be a good challenge to pit himself against. “Unless you know if there’s a copy of some kind of sword game.”

Niou just gave Sanada a look and shook his head. “I have better games than that. Come on old man. Let me blow your mind with some fun games since I can’t blow anything else.” He stood up and after making sure he had everything he needed he slid on his coat and nodded towards the door.

Slipping his coat back on, Sanada made sure Yuki was safely tucked into his pocket for the trip back. “Not that old, you brat.”

“Prove it~” Niou taunted as he opened the door and gestured Sanada through it. They’d have a few epic battles on the wii and when Sanada failed, Niou would enjoy teasing him about being old and slow.

Heading out of the office, Sanada grumbled a bit to himself. He was determined to kick Niou’s ass at the games. And he’d even do it without cheating. “Happily.”

The game was on then. With a laugh and a challenging smirk, Niou headed down the hall beside Sanada.

niou, sanada, &log

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