Halloween night sees the Academy grounds lit up with lights from hundreds of flickering jack-o-lanterns as they illuminate the paths through the gardens and maze. Inside the school, the largest (above ground) sports hall and games room have been decorated still further with streamers and multicoloured lights. In the latter location, a band stand has been set-up while in the sports hall, a long table lined with food and drink has been prepared.
It will be a night to remember... one way or the other.
Fuji has been 'Dan-d'. Dan's power has greatly expanded Fuji's normal illusions, causing weeping angels to appear all over the grounds. While Fuji normally needs to be looking at a person to make them see an illusion, in this case, he merely has to have passingly thought about them. Since he's panicking about how this is happening, he's basically thinking about anyone and everyone, so feel free to see a hoard of Kite-look-a-likes surrounding you. We've added a new subheading in the log for such fun and friendly encounters.... The original thread is
Niou has a grand finale planned! It involved glitter. You will sparkle for weeks where the sun don't shine.
The mod-account has created sub-headings for the different events people volunteered for. If you would like another sub-heading, just shout; either grab El/Laxmi on chat or send a message Fuji's account (for sanity reasons, we may turn off comment notification on the mod-account for a time!).
We've intentionally been vague about where different activities are being held (e.g. we haven't stated where Kite will place himself or where Sengoku wants his fortune telling booth), so please write the first tag under your own sub-heading to set the scene and start off that thread!
If your character is manning a particular area (e.g. Marui at his bake stand, Fuji in the maze) they do not have to be there all night so feel free to have them comment elsewhere on the post. The exception is Gakuto who WILL be there all night. Oh yes.