
Mar 13, 2004 00:45

Read this article today:

"We in Abu Hafs al-Masri aren't saddened by the fall of what you call civilians. Is it acceptable for them to kill our women, children, elderly and youth in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and Kashmir, but forbid us to kill them?"

"And we will alert all Muslims around the world that an attack from the Wind of Black Death is imminent. It is currently in the final stages, 90 percent complete, God willing soon. It will happen at the appropriate time for Mujahadeens and will make believers joyous,"

This was the letter mailed after the bombings on a spania rail train. Although most of these guys claims have been false and propaganda... what if this one wasn't?
"Black Death" sounds like some kinda of plague, disease, (buebonic)
That would suck if a disease spread and killed off a bunch of US citizens... It would kind of be like the movie 28 days laters...
Also the spain attacks happened 911 days after 911...

anywho my minds to tired to talk of this right now...

I'm still trying to get images of Matt drunk ( over at brookes house ) and dancing and grinding on everything and repeatingly telling me
"BECKA! now i know i'm drunk slap me! slap me darnit!!!!"
"now see i can't feel it!"

Wow drunk people are quite amuzing..
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