Mar 02, 2008 23:27
[Make shift noises of movement and crackling]
Oh my, when did Tataroo Valley get so bright? I could have sworn it was dark. The sun's up too...
Itai! my back hurts. Uh...W-w-wings! I have wings!!!!
[A long pause and some movement that seemed very frantic]
TEAR? GUY? COLONEL? LUKE? I grew wings!! They're pink and...and...hehe, I think I'm lost...Anyone wanna help a poor lost cutie?~ ♥
[Tapping of some sort against a surface]
Is this thing on? It's a weird fontech device, I give that much...AT least I have Tokunaga. MY back still hurts. Wings are painful. Maybe I can fly with them or something! That'd be way cool~♥
i grew wings!,