Nov 16, 2006 18:37
so bout time for an update eh?
i'm completely exhausted from school. school is hell. pure hell. in every sense of the word. my class is full of people who don't know how to work together and it's extremely frustrating. Nothing is more frustrating then a group of people who encourage a lack of communication.
I have no life. i have no friends in this class. the only person who i hang with is yury. and he's taking things hard too. we're constantly tense with each other, constantly grumpy, and there's always a fight brewing.
thanksgiving is looking bleak. i won't be making it back to milford or nj. i'll be here in the city spending some time with yury and some of his friends. i'm a little depressed over it all, being that it's my first thanksgiving without my grandma who pretty much ran every holiday ever.
For out final scene we get to do Luetinant of Inishmore, which i'm so excited for. I get an irish accent and i get to shoot people. awesome. i've you've never read this play i highly reccomend it. it's like tarentino live meets boondock saints. fucking incredible. the whole play will take you maybe half an hour to read.
i'm all done for now. i've got homework and a shower waiting for me.