Aug 31, 2003 12:23
Well, I haven't updated in a while..and I said I was going to. I re-did my journal...and I don't really like it, at all for some reason. Someone give me an idea of what to do?...I'm thinking mushroomhead...definatly. : )
Yep, soo..yesterday. Me/Dad/Mom went to a bunch of stores and ect. I got some stuff. And they were picking some stuff out for my brother and I knew that he wouldn't like it...and I told my dad because he asked for my opinion..and he got all mad and said something like "What would you know, look at the stuff you wear!"...fuck you dad.
They both keep on saying.."We want you to look like a girl"...Well, parents, if it is in the girls is considerd girls. CUNT FACES!!!
We went to get our van tire fixed and stuff. And we are not going to get rid of the van to Dee-ann and Terry!! yay! Sooo, would be reallly kewl if I would have that van insted of Richards car or whatever I was getting. So, ya..we were getting our tire fixed and the guys that were working on it looked exactly like Joel from good joke. They were like twins too, it was pretty wierd.
Anyways..We went to the grocery store and seen some guy staring like a mofo...I was like wtf?...but it turns out to be my old neighbor from our old house that was devorced to this Roxanne character. It was pretty was like a family
We went to Taco Bell after and what-not. lol, we were in the van and some cunt ran into us in the drive-through. My dad got mad..and like stormed out of the van, and the lady was all trying to calm my dad down saying..."I'm sorry Mister...there was a bee in the car"..I was laughing soo hard...I was like wtf? Fatty. If it actually made a dent in the van, my dad would of seriously put it in reverse and kept on slamming there neon against the wall repeatedly. No joke. haha, someone should of seen this. Wow, ya...its pretty weird because my brother and sister are always somewhere or working and I never see them really. Hmm..Ya, Soo today I got more clothes and stuff. Oh ya..I have the coolest earings ever too. I have pink striped, blue striped, spikes, black/red/white stars, and some rainbow ones.(those ones came with the cool ones. lol.) They are only the 14g though. I want the 10g at least. Oh well. Hmmm..I think I'm going now or something. Sooo..buh byes..or good night?