Friday was the redwood dance, and i have to say mc dances are muuuuuuch better.. maybe just cuz i now more people! huh! It was fun being with allie, sarah, lindsey, lindsay, and kelly! And meeting jessica... those are some funny girls.. i love em! Then saturday i chilled at home in the sun, and sat there trying to find a ride to the beach... later that day i got a ride to maddies and we just chilled ! THen max picked us up and we hung out at his house for a while, we were technically getting ice cream,, hmmm! Then we went back to maddies after some strange shit happened to max and met up with lindsay and after a couple hours therre were like 6 people at maddies, and maddie was sooo cute she was chill with having all these people over, i mean im not really sure how many people were there but she was so chill about it.. God lindsay and i got so trashed i have never had that much to drink ever... I did some stupid shit when i was drunk, supposedly i raped like every boy in sight and ahhh im kinda embarresed, but what the hell you only live once, you know?? Maddie and lindsay and I hung out this morning, and suprisingly we all weren't that hung over, but considering maddie and i smoked right before we went to bed i think we kinda woke up still high.. I love you maddie we gots to build apon that instant messenger song, (profile thingy) you know what im talking about.... And funniest thing in the world when max was talking on im to the you know who sisters! Thanx for such an awesome night! omg i almost forgot to mention this painting we painted dammnn it was sooo trippy! And the bottle of empty whiskey like in my bag??/ wierd shit!
I am sooo sunburned, hahahah its really funny... I miss my long hair, ( tear, tear )