Nov 28, 2005 20:03
Well this is my second time writing this entry, really I have no idea why i am even typing it again..I guess after i wrote in it I forgot to push save entry....lordy..But anyway what do I got well its cold today, my face is warm though so its feels nice to to rest my hand on my face, makes me want to fall asleep..i am tired, always am but today was busy at work we had alot of part and supplies coming on board.. I was in the freezing hanger bay today to alot, Oh I today I used a ipod, that was so nice, its got my mind away from where i was while I was working, it was nice, gotta love music, what would we do without music seriously! Oh about that fire well, i guess it was not in HAZMAT at all (rumors) somebody had put three mattresses in the boys head(bathroom) and lit them on fire, thats what happened.. We were told today after work that it was going to snow tonight that we were going to get 4 to 7 inches..people in washington spaz about snow, unlike people in michigan who could care less.. But they said to make sure we have work tomorrow if its bad (I live on the ship so no biggie)I don't think we are gonna get it to bad. so keep it in mind the navy is not operational when the weather gets to bad..well they do have the duty section, i guess, I beleive we will have a normal day tomorrow, we shall see, if we get snow with the rain forcasted for later this week it will be gone.. Well I am gonna get to for me! maybe if theres enough i'll have one.
Oh wait... Listen to A guy that i know, was talking about this girl that passed us about how shes been on board for 2 months and gets around alot..then he looks at me and says "dude, I swear your a guy that looks like a girl, your awsome".. I tend to get that from guys..I guess i just let them talk how they do, if I don't like it I can tune it out or leave..usaully I just nod. in the long run i dunno if thats to good...But thats how it goes plus I am in the navy with a billion guys, can't stop how they talk. oh and gotta love the "your like a sister to me".. fun stuff heh