Jul 11, 2001 18:04
woo my Daddy won't be here the rest of the week, that leaves me to going on-line ::dances:: i want to call Billy<3 eesh, Well since i can't call him i want him to call meee yepp lol, It's fucked up what Grace has been doing to him, He's soo fucking hurt and she treats him like he's made of rubber and has no feelings. Honest to god she thinks she's the only Living breathing thing that has feelings or would ever love billy, sorry to break it to ya hunni but there are a Hella lot of people who would kill for someone like Billy,::pouts relizing he signed off without saying bye:: ugh lol NOT FAIR!::whines:: okay okay i'm fine really,::sees that he signed back on::YAY! woo anyhow he's soo sad, goddamn that bitch Grace, eesh, :( well i'm out for now