Jul 28, 2005 15:11
hi i havent got together with my friends lately so umm i went over my nieghbors house aka her name is alex and she got 3 horses and so i help her w/ them and after i got to ride them i rode paige her horse she got lk 70 chickens and oh remeber maddie when amber found that chic that was stuk and her leg fell off well she stil alive n her nm is peg it's funny ta way sh walks. then we went for a swimm in her RILLY big pool 1 sid of th pool is 9ft deep n she got like evrythin for her pool she got a rocker thing umm a rafted n many more then we went her sis (she 4) she like wants to be me when she grows up. she crys when i have to leave so we hide from her alex hide me in the closet and told sidney that i went home but if she went behind her bed and sceam that gen would be here maybe she would so i walk out of the closet and she siad u guys trixed me it was funny so i help her with the horses evry day it's fun so uhhhh
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