First Journal Entry...WOAH

Jun 19, 2004 22:45

This thing is prolly gunna be hella long but thats ok. First off I'd like to say its about fuckin time that I find a decent boy to talk to. Was out in Arizona for 5 months with my crazy ex. Came home started dating another wacko that stepped all over me and treated me like that. what more can I say.....My lil sister is 6.5 months pregnant, I'm gunna be an Aunt...and goin to college full time....*shakes head*
Onto better nice, hott, sexie buddy Jeff....wooo *drools* Let me tell you how much he rocks!! We started playin this video game together called PSO, every since then we have been unseperable...way cool, I am sooo goin to visit him soon, or he is coming here....Cant wait til that happens.
OMG I was in Canada lastnight, drunk as fuck.I prolly had 12 drinks, maybe more.Then I was dancin my ass off, making rounds. All the guys do is grab your ass and hips. THen we decided to walk over to the next bar after we are wasted. It was wild...drunk walkin sucks ass. We are all yelling and shit and these guys walk up and start talkin to us. we tell them we are from the states and the freak out. LMAO..needless to say I got home at 5am...very drunk...very tired....well thats it for now.....ttyl
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