Jul 17, 2006 00:38
Rules: Write a statement intended for 10 random people. Never tell which one is intended for...
1. you were never the one to hurt me the most, or even the worst, but just the first, so it made an impact, and i sorta quit being nieve after that. in a way i guess it was for the best. it taught me to not be one of those stupid girls, and at the same time it kinda sucked because it also is a big part of why i dont trust ppl. guys especially. as much as i hate to admit it, you were and probably will always be that one guy..maybe its cuz u were the first guy i really cared a lot for, or maybe it was just that i really liked you and it was always this wierd thing with us, and i never knew what was up. it obviously wasnt meant to be. and thats ok. and as cliche as it sounds, im trying to be ur friend. because no joke, i really like you as a person.
2. ur adorable. u really are. once apon a time i really liked u. for like a second. cuz shit happens right? right. and i love that we actually became friends again..after shit happens. u were my first real kiss and thats just freakin cute. ur really just a great guy and i love u to death. oh and ur hella funny...its great. i love hangin out with u. lets hang out more please.
3. wow. i love u so much. we better always be friends. or ill be pissed off so bad at u. like wow. sometimes i wonder HOW can we be friends? we are such opposites..but then other times im like DAM we are like the same person. its crazy. i love it. i love that i literally can answer a question before you've asked it. i love that you can literally tell what im thinking by the way i smile and squint my eyes. its dumb, little shit, but thats the best kind. i love that we have a ridiculous amount of inside jokes and codeshit. i love that we are that type of friends that when a 3rd person is around we can be so obnoxious with all our little fits of hysterics about unspoke, just 'known' things that come up. we arent perfect. we do get annoyed. but we get over it. and we move on. and thats the best part of us. well not the best..but its why we can get to the best..because we get through the shit.
4. i care about you a lot. we've had a lot of good times. and i know that u do care about me..i love that its not onesided. i think i know u pretty well and i hope we dont drift too far. ur great to talk to. and i feel like even tho we have times were we dont talk as much as we would like, we can always go back to it. sometimes, not always, it feels one sided, like u just need someone to listen to you and give advice and then ur done, like u almost dont care enough to find out about whats goin on with me, i know im a private person, but u cant find out anything unless you ask, and if u dont ask...then ill never tell you. regaurdless im glad we are friends. and i hope in the future with all the shit thats gonna be happening, we stay close.
5. i dont even know with you. ur cool. we had our wierd little thing and i think we're cool now, sometimes im not sure but usually we seem okay. it would be akward but good i think if we just had like a 10 minute talk and cleared the air..but im sure that wont happen, ur not one to talk. that was sorta the original problem...no communication.
6. some how with you, i thought for a minute that IF anyone was gonna be different, it was gonna be you. i think i was wrong now. i hope i wasnt, but my gut tells me that its dumb of me to think otherwise. w/e it was something maybe for a second and then all the sudden nothing i guess. typical. it is what it is. curiousity makes me want to know why the change, but im use to that. honestly im only bumbed that i feel like ur slowly fitting into a name i didnt want to use for u before. well, i hope im wrong and that we can just be cool.
7. ohhh shit. haha thats all i can say..well not really. thats all that i need to say because it sums up everything..its not all that im goin to say tho. ur so great dude. ridiculous. but great. u made a shit part of life so much better. u were my party. haha. so many random times i cant even think of them all. we did some crazy ass shit..shit that i wouldnt of even been able to think of without you..ahah i guess u just brought that out in me. i miss u. love u crazy.
8. hmm what do i say about you...i dont even know. i guess i could quote it..."ur the one mistake i really didnt mind' just cuz it fits so freakin well. but seriously. u r awesome. and i hella love being around u. to most..ur just this intense, intimidating guy, but for some reason it didnt work with me, i think i just know a bullshitter when i see one..and i called u on it, and u liked me for it. but whatever the reason we randomly got along and became friends, im glad. i so love our random drives and talks. and how i didnt even know what to say to u at first haha. so not the case now. i miss u. even tho i wouldnt ever tell u that b/c ur heads big enough as it is. its the truth. and even tho you wouldnt ever say it to me..u dont have to. i like that ur a bit like me in that ur hella private, because it made it even cooler when u opened up to me and i got the 'pass' haha
9. hm. so basically...u suck. but thats okay. because i always knew. u tried to use me. but i always knew, so even tho i did get used, it was only because I let it happen. u tried to be a player but ur not slick. i would of respected u if u had at least been upfront. the only reason i even put up with it is because i genuinly liked hanging out with you, u were ammusing and fun. and at the time..that was enough for me. unfortunitly the more i let it proceed, the more i actually got attached, so in the end i did end up getting burned..but not.. at the same time. catch 22 sort of. but w/e. sometimes i think..wow i really meant nothing and that sorta stings..but then sometimes things u say make me think i actually did matter a little..and maybe its just cuz i want to think that..but oh well. i honestly think the only reason i cared about you, was because of the circumstances. and i think im okay with that.
10. what to say about you...i love u to death. ur seriously the best ever dude. so many fun times. so many random times. just chill. just w/e. oh wow. i just loved it. i miss it. i miss u. we did some bad shit. but we could have fun without it too and that made those times THAT much better somehow. so close so fast..wierd since i was so stand off ish at first. but im so glad that we became friends because..what would i do without u. ur sucha douchbag but thats the best part about you. haha i loveu.