A shotgun would just make my day. . .

May 29, 2005 15:40

Logan's party wasn't bad. . .fine Wilkeson folk if I must say.

Things that made it awesome (besides the 211)

Eating the onion.

Horseradish followed by jelly.

Throwing things at those two girls on the couch that were sleeping.

Hanging on to Lea for dear life while Chris drove like a madman.

That guy with no teeth at the gas station.

Before the party Matt got angry with me and yelled at me, I kinda deserved it, and it gave me a lot to think about, he really puts things in perspective for me. No matter what I can always count on him to be raw and honest. I respect it and him a lot.

And the time finally came. . .

I shaved my beard.

I miss it.

It's been a crazy weekend. Tonight new QAF and Family Guy!!

Fuck yeah.
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