Aug 21, 2005 18:50
Hey Girly Girlz wuts up? ay am here bOred =( i just came bak from the beach well actually from tacO bell but b4 dat me nd da 15z crew were at the beach. We went to HaulOver Beach to shoot dalayz (the girl dat am dancing her 15z) video clip nd sum of her 15z pikturez. It was sooo much fun seriously. I left my hOUse at 6 a.m nd i just got home like at 6 p.m lOl. nd w.e we did her video nd we was there walking nd running around in the rain actually a thunderstorm nd we was dere chilling talkin inside the beach it was fun man. nd nOw am bOred lOl nd yea well tommrow iz skOol booooo am sO red omg i look like a tomato lOl seriOusly but am happy cuz i got a tan yay!!! well am going to sleep nOw am exhausted sO update later bye