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Jun 30, 2005 19:39

wus up everybOdy? hOpe all ya'll doing go0d out there nd dat ya'll havin a great summer. i noe its kinda late to say but did anybOdy c da BET awards? it was off the chain. ma fav. performance was by omarion it was awesome nd missy did her thing to0 nd so did ciara nd ludacris. ahh hes so0 fine.. did anybody c 106&park b4 the awards? ya'll saw wen pretty ricky nd the mavericks performed nd den at the end that guy dat was wearing the 305 hat in the video nd in the performance shouted out "305 dade county" dat was awesome i was like yea 4 shO! i was dere screamin 305! 305! lol yea it was go0d... on another nOte my summer is doing good. today i started summer sko0l again. Am taking this computer class to get ma GPA higher its pretty str8 i just dont like the teacher she was givin me an attitude but i gave her an attitude to0 i wasnt gonna stay quiet. w/e hope things get better cuz its not like i even need the class cuz if she gets on ma bad side am just fenna walk out the class. so w/e am takin it wit tracy nd betsy so its fun wen u have ur friends around.. i havent done anything big lately. tOday i got ma eyebrows done. i went to the salon nd got em waxed nd clean nd lookin real nice.. the occasion is for one of ma really good friends sixteens on saturday at las vegas banquet hall i got no clue were it at sO i need to chek up on that.. i already got ma dress,highheels, nd hair style nd makeup cheked up on for saturday so its gonna b awesome! later on i might head on out to her after party but i dunno bout that yet so yea dats sumthing big dat am gonna do this weekend. Then monday is 4th of july so my family goes all out wit fireworks nd food nd yup its also gonna b good. well yea i got things to do so if i didnt get to comment on ya journal ma badz! i'll try again next time lol. peace <3
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