Gabriels Party!!

Nov 19, 2005 07:46

kk tonight i went to Gabriel party! It wus off the chain! I finally got to see PRISCILLA N VERO! YAY! Well wen i got there i gave gabriel a hug cus it wus his birthday.. Then Priscilla and Vero grabbed me and we went in the house to dance....

Later.... Me && Prissy stayed inside dancing && we took off our shoes and this UGLY guy tried to get behind me and i wus like "..." and priscilla wus like ugh.... and she pulled me and we like ran to get our shoes and we went outside to talk about some of the hotties =D

Later Mabelle got in trouble becus her mom came wen she wus behind the house with her boyfriend =O .. So her mom figured she must of been doing something back there (( poor mabelle _tear_ ))

Then Me, Ivette, Cristy && Alyssa started talking to these guys it wus lots of fun! I dont even remember their names .. haha .. but they all knew edgard <333 lol

Okay Well i had a blast even tho it wus kinda boring cus lots of the guys were kinda ugly =/ especially this blonde kid .. dat had greasy hair.. pimples.. braces..his mouth never closed and he wus like laying on da flo0r dancing and wen he made out with this girl he wus slobbering EVERYWHERE ... I wus so0o disturbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate da Blonde <33

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