Dec 07, 2004 16:28
o. Britney Spears: whore
o. NSync: hah, they'r a joke
o. Real world:DrAmATiC
o. Orange: fun coloR*
o. Black: can u say goth?
o. Insane clown: freakyy?
o. Linkin Park: don`t listen to him
o. Jack: sparrow?
o. Rainbow: gay?
o. Cherry: lip gloSS!
o. Cucumber: MeLoN
o. Shark: teeth
o. Bat: man
o. ace ventura: the scene where he takes off the "girls" pants & finds out its not a girl
o. Leather: CoaT
o.Whip: leather??
o. American: girl
o. Salt Water: ocean?
o. Volcano: lava
o. Rock or rap: rap
o. Pop or rap: rap
o. Rap or R&B: rap
o. Rock or metal: rock
o. Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit : Limp Bizkit
o. Korn or tool : Tool
o. Winter or summer: winter
o. Spring or fall: spring
o. ICP or Eminem: Eminem?
o. Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie: they both kinda scare me..?
o. Kittie or Garbage: i guess KiTTie
o. MTV or VH1: MTV
o. Buffy or Angel: buffy
o. Dawsons Creek Or Gilmore Girls: Gilmore Girl's
o. Football or basketball: football
o. Summer olympics or winter Olympics: SUMMER*
o.Skiing or snowboarding: snowboarding
o. Rollerblading or skateboarding: if i could, i would pick skateboarding, but since im not skater & cant skateboard...?
o. Boyfriend/girlfriend: boyfriend
o. Crush: have a boyfriend
o. Ever had sex: NoO
o. How many hearts have you broken: idk? none?
o. Do you smoke: NoOo WaY!!
o. How about weed: No
o. How about a little ecstasy: no
o. Crack, heroin, anything else: nope
o. Prefer beer or liquor: beer`s nastyy
o. Bungee jump: if i wanted tO?
o. Skydive: if i wanted to?
o. Swim with dolphins: yes dolphins are hot
o. Scuba dive: yes
o. Go rock climbing: yes
o. Change your religion: nope!
o. Turn your back on your friends for personal gain: noo
o. Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: umm NO i have my own
o. Lie to the police: dependS?
o. Run from the police: no thats gaY
o. Speed away from the police: GAYYY
o. Walk up to a total stranger and kiss them: ha no
o. Be an exotic dancer: no..
o. Walk out of a restaurant without paying: if the food was bad?
o. Streak: hahaha m/b?
o. You ate: shock tarts
o. you drank: starbucks carmel frappacino
o. the last place you went: downstairs..
o. Last thing you bought: shocktarts
o. Last person you saw: my mom
o. Last person you talked to on the phone: bill
o. Last song you heard: rudolph the red nose reindeer
YoUr LifE___
[x] they call me: Jillian
[x] also: Jill, Jillibean,Baby {i like it}
[x] sex: female
[x] my first breath of air: when i was born, DUH!
[x] status: taken!!!
[x] occupation: student
[x] nationality: American
[x] best homegirls: Karen, Evi, Camille, Naomi, Lauren F, Jessica, Chelsea, Kristen, and all the rest of my band nerds
[x] most memorable memory: first date with bill-thats like the only thing i really wanna remember
[x] worst?: one year on teh way to the beach
[x] first word uttered: probably mommy or daddy??
[x] first bestfriend ever!?: Chelsea!! (I love you)
_______fAst fOrward_______
[x] college planning to go to: North Carolina or Auburn!!
[x] future resident of: huh?
[x] wedding: yeah..
[x] children: ofcourse
[x] looking forward to: YEAHHH
[x] NOT looking forward to: finals in like a week :-(
[x] feeling: really cold & hyper
[x] Listening: 94.9 x-mas music trying to get n the x-mas spirit its all coming soo fast!
[x] Talking to: Karen,and Rachel
[x] doing: this..
[x] craving: red bull
[x] thinking of: bill {my baby}
[x] hating: school
________pIcky pIcky_____
[x] dog or cat: dog
[x] short or long hair: shoulder length
[x] innie or outtie: innie
[x] sunshine or rain: SUNNYYY 8-)
[x] moon or sun: sun
[x] basketball or football: football
[x] righty or lefty: righty
[x] hugs or kisses: kisses
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 best friend
[x] tv or radio: radio
[x] starbucks or jamba juice: STARBUCKS
[x] mcdonalds or burger king: MCDONALD`S
[x] summer or winter: winter
[x] written letters or e-mails: written letters
[x] playstation or nintendo: playstation
[x] disney or nickelodeon: ha disney
[x] car or motorcycle: car seems safer
[x] house party or club: house partyy
[x] sing or dance: dance :)
[x] freak or slow dance: ha idk?
[x] yahoo messenger or aim: aim
[x] google or ask jeeves?: what kind of name is JEEVES anyways?
[x] can you swim?: ofcourse i have a boat!
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: dont member
[x] whats under your bed?: nothing
[x] what are you scared of?: snakes & falling to my death
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: um idk?
[x] what kinda roof is over your head?: uM one that keeps the rain off??
[x] do you like tomatoes?: does ketchup count?
[x] how many TVs in the house?: 8
[x] how many phones?: 4
[x] how many residents?: 4
[x] how many DVDs do you have?: like 8798237
[x] last dentist visit: like dec 1
[x] last doctor visit: like idk?
[x] last phone call: im on it now ha
(( ... ::: W o R D a S S o C i a T i o N ::: ... ))
(type what pops in your head when you see the word)
Ice : cold
Rod : ha i`m so perverted
Red : hot
Blue : a bruse
Black : dark
Cold : ice
Hot : the sun
Cute : a puppy
Soft : my new sweats
Annoying : certain people
Perfect : myself, hah NOT
Light: dark
Dark : night
Heavy : um a plane?
Coffee: starbucks :)
Beanz : yum
Milk : oreos
Pencil : school
Cookies : santa
Peace : in the world
Funny : awesome
(( ... ::: S T R i C T L y Y e S / N o ::: ... ))
Are you happy? : yes
Are you mad? : no
Do you want this survey to end? : yes
Are you having fun? : no
Are you addicted to the computer? : yes
Are you addicted to the opposite sex? : ha no :)
Are you addicted to your lj? : noo
Have you ever seen The O.C. ? yeahh
DoEs ThIs AnNoY yOu? : yess
Am I annoying you? : YEAH
Do you still watch cartoons? : no
Do you think that Lisa Simpson will grow up to be a bum? : sure
How about President? : yeah
Will you be president?: m/b?
Do you Hate Bush? : NO!
Do you simply adore clowns? : hah sure
Cen u speeel? : huh?
Are you embarrassed to be with your parents? : no my parents are accually cool
Are you feeling depressed? : not at the moment
What's the time? :4:48
Did you answer what time it was? : yess
Then you didn't follow directions because I said STRICTLY yes/no, or did you follow the directions? : whatever
Do you feel bad now? : nope
Well you shouldnt!! Know why? : why?
Because it's over!! Thank you!!: i`m so confused..haha and so lame because i`m accually doing this
color: orange
cartoon or character: simpsons
band or singer: wayy to many
type of music: lotS
hobby: soccer,shopping
sport: soccer
store: A&F
game: idk?
...The Best...
Restaurant you've ever been to: idk
movie you've ever seen: lots
grade you've ever got: 105
present you've ever got: LIFE :)
present you could ever get (future): hMm..?
sports team: bulldogs BaBy!
place you've ever been: OcEaN iSlE bAbY!
Christmas: stereo
way to eat an oreo: umm put it n ur mouth?
...The Worst...
Restaurant you've ever been to: hmm..idk!
movie you've ever seen: right now im saying cousin ruined the whole thing
grade you've ever got: 30 somthing
present you've ever got: hm..
present you could ever get (future): a piece of string..but im easily amused so i'd have fun with it
kisser: bill
friend: look at previous
sports team: auburn and NC
place you've ever been: school lol..
Christmas: dont remember
way to eat an oreo: theres not a bad way to eat it
...Have You Ever...
bungee jumped?: nope
skydived: nope
been kissed?: yea
failed a class?: nope
been out of the country?: no
forgot someone's birthday?: like all the time :-/
broken a bone?: no
kissed a dog?: yes
pulled an all nighter?: yeah..
...Which one do u prefer?...
dark hair/ light hair?: depends..
running/ walking?: walking i guess
half empty/ half full?: half epmty, always expect the worst-you won`t ever get let down
chocolate/ vanilla?: vanilla
dogs/ cats?: dogs
coke/ pepsi?: coke
cake/ ice cream?: cake
...Who is...
yo mama?: Greta
yo daddy?: Mike
your g/f or b/f?: bill