Eventful Show

Nov 27, 2005 17:16

Wow- All I have to say is....Wow!

So they show was actually going really well today. Up until Dancing on Your Grave.....

Most of u know but I'm just gonna tell for my friends who aren't involved in the theater or 4 people who weren't there.

So we got through the show up until Dancing On Your Grave when the fire alarm went off. It was REALLY F'ing loud. It was this woman's voice saying "PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY. THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL. ALL PEOPLE MUST LEAVE THE BUILDING NOW."
Most of the time I was covering it with Sam's Monk costume so it wasn't so loud. It didn't work. Right when the alarm went off Jan and the ushers came out and Jan told them that we weren't evacuating but like 2 minutes later Christian came down and was like "GET OUT NOW!!!" And the whole cast, crew and audience had to go outside in the parking lot. Honestly, I think a LOT of the cast was being really immature about the whole thing.

Continuing... We were all out there for like 15 minutes. (Mind you, the stupid alarm was STILL going off) And of course out of all 9 of my costumes, I was wearing my angel costume that was see-through and I had no shoes. I did get to run in and grab my shoes though.

Ha! I guess I should tell you what caused the alarm to go off........
We use fog in the Monk scene and the fog when down that back stairs and into the green room and set of the alarm...No fire.

N E wayz. After all the drama, we went back in and started the Monk scene over again b-cuz we couldn't start in the middle of the music because we have click-tracks. What made me mad was that like 10 people left and didn't stay for the end of the show. W/Evs... the show went well after that, so thats good. Oddly enough...the audience was more responsive after the evacuation.

I thought it was cool. Not that it messed up the show. Just that we pulled it together and continued te show. Fun Day.


Callie....SOOOOOO glad to hear that u made up. That make me happy, for cereal. Its no Yolk. :P

That was a pointless entry but W/E, I liked it.
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