What's romance really worth?

May 26, 2005 20:32

Ever notice how all "romantic" and "chivalrous" gestures have basically become the same? A guy is considered "romantic" if he buys you flowers, candy or stuffed animals, and he's considered "chivalrous" if he opens doors for you. Sure, all of that is nice in the beginning stages of a relationship . . . but how much meaning can the same flowers and the same chocolate HAVE after a few years? Call me cynical, but this is the way I look at it--flowers die, candy only makes me gain weight, and I have WAY too many stuffed animals now to make room for another. If a guy TRULY wants to be romantic with me, they can buy me jewelry or lingerie or something! At those things last, and I can wear then often!
As for being chivalrous, here's my view on that--I don't need anyone to open doors for me, I'm perfectly capable of opening doors on my own . . . after all, I'm nineteen years old . . . I've been opening doors for a WHILE now. If a guy REALLY wants to be chivalrous with me, they could always help me with something I REALLY need help with! To me, nothing says "chivalry" like helping me change a flat tire or taking care of me while I'm sick. However, taking MY idea of "chivalry" and "romance" into consideration, when I start wanting to replace flowers and candy with something more meaningful, am I cheating myself?
When it comes to "romance," usually guys start OUT being Mr. Romantic, giving you flowers on special occasions and listening attentively, remembering every thing you say. Then, when you've been together for a while, suddenly you realize that everything's gone! No chocolate, no roses . . . and you sometimes even doubt if he's really listening to you! Call me crazy, but I don't want to be "romanced" with false advertising. I'd much rather KNOW what I was getting myself into, and if gifts ARE involved . . . I'd rather have things that LAST.
It was this past Valentine's Day when I realized that for MOST women in relationships, it's actually a pretty useless holiday! Why? When you think of what the OPTIONS of possible gifts are on Valentine's Day, they really have nothing to show for it! Just think--most women get flowers, balloons, stuffed animals or chocolate . . . nothing that really lasts! Sure, stuffed animals do LAST, but when a girl reaches a certain age, all stuffed animals usually end up in the same spot collecting dust. If I am going to get a gift on a day that symbolizes love, I want it to be something meaningful and lasting!
Since I was single this past Valentine's Day, I took full advantage of the situation and bought myself a ruby ring . . . the first REAL stone I had ever purchased myself. I absolutely LOVE that ring, and I wear it every chance I get. It's something I really wanted and I didn't have to depend on anyone for it . . . plus, I know I'll have that ring for MANY more Valentine's Days to come, which is more than I can say for flowers, chocolate or balloons.
I don't think I'm against romance, I'm just looking for something that lasts. I don't really see it as cheating myself out of something when the "something" in question is something I don't really want! True, I used to THINK I wanted the flowers and candy . . . but romance and chivalry is SO commercialized these days, I don't think ANYONE really questions if they TRULY want it or not . . . they just seem to accept what it SUPPOSEDLY is. The way I see it, true love is supposed to be meaningful and long-lasting . . . so why should the gifts be anything less?
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