Players and Cheaters

May 13, 2005 20:34

I have always thought that the biggest problem with guys is that they don't come with danger music. If they DID, just think of how much saner women would be. We could finally be saved from all the closet perverts, felons, liars and players. I must say, out of the previous four choices, the one that can ultimately hurt the most are players (although players and liars often go hand-in-hand). Why? Players usually don't like or respect women. They usually don't look that good in the first place, so they tell women all kinds of lies to get them thinking they're "in love" (or just attached). When the woman (or "victim," as players see it) is hooked, the player goes on to the next woman. Sometimes they get a rush out of breaking the woman's heart, and other times they prefer to keep their dirty deeds undercover, just to see how many women they can "have" all at once. Dealing with a player can hurt the most, because you've been lied to, gotten your heart broken and been rejected. Deliberately.
It is my FIRM belief that players should NEVER be in relationships. If they KNOW they like messing around with a lot of women, they should stay single and leave women's hearts out of it. There are plenty of other single women out there who want exactly the same thing players do. The players should go mess around with THOSE girls . . . because the second a player tries to GET in a relationship, they usually become cheaters. Being a player is forgivable . . . but being a cheater isn't.
The reason why I say that there's a difference between players and cheaters is because cheaters CHOOSE to get involved with someone and then cheat on them purposely. Players, as I have recently come to see, were BORN that way. My reasoning on that theory was most recently proved by Eric Bennet, Halle Berry's ex husband who CHEATED on her. When I heard about that, I KNEW that being a player had to be genetic . . . because WHAT man in their right mind cheats on HALLE BERRY?! Most men would practically RISK their lives just to spend one night with her, and Eric Bennet (the not-very-famous musician) had the NERVE to cheat on her! What I want to know is . . . what did the other girl look like? Never mind. WHATEVER she happens to look like, she STILL couldn't look better than Halle Berry.
So far, I've been lucky not to have been sucked in by a player. Hopefully, I never will be. However, from Eric Bennet's example I have learned that it doesn't matter HOW good a woman looks, players will still cheat on them because that's just what they do. If Halle Berry can't keep a guy from cheating, there sure isn't any point in anyone else trying to keep a player from cheating! You just try to detect them as best you can, and stay FAR away.
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