Feb 11, 2005 15:42
well this past weeks been crazily slow yet at the same time fast. this week went by fast but each individual days went by really slow, if that made any sense. but anyways Valentine's Days coming up and blah idn what to doooo. i mean ive been told that the girls shouldnt be getting the guys anything because its like a 'guy thing' for Valentine's Day but ive also been told that i should be getting him something cus its a day where we show appreciation to each other. ahhhhh i think i need help. comment on what you guys think!
well we had our last game of the season for basketball last night at Thornton. we lost by 3 and i really think that it was my fault since i was the one throwin that "wtf" shot. -sigh- i wish we couldve won. this is the 2nd year in a row that we've lost to Thornton on our last game and its only by 1 shot too. next year.. next year...
anyways things been okay i guess.. we started on our world history term paper.. its shitty as fuck. i hate it with a passion. i barely got my topic stuff done last night. i should really start to do these things ahead of time instead of cramming them all in the night before. meh. and then oh yea. Mr.Schmidts door attacked me yesterday after lunch and all Stacey could do was laugh. like me and her were still downstairs at lunch after everyone had left back to class cus we were doin something and then we got up there and they had already started class even tho the bell hadnt even rung yet {we go thro this EVERY thursday. no joke.} so then the door was closed and i went to open it but it stopped at my foot and i didnt kno till i started walkin into the class and boom my head slams straight into the door and Stacey just starts crackin up.. so then i walk into the class and everyones like starrin at me and Mr.Schmidts got this like.. disappointed look at us so i just kept walkin.. and then the bell rung for real and hes like "oh theres the bell" and Staceys still sitting there laughin at me for a whole 10 min. -thanks Stacey!- blah so yesterday was just a blah day.. but then in Spanish we played this game and it was battle of the sexes style.. boys vs girls.. it was fun.. we were like HELLA loud and ppl came in and checked to see if we were okay lol it was fun. oh and Lindz.. im sorry if you fail!!!!! i swear its not my fault!!! lol oh and have fun at Peter Pan tonight!! im so jealous of youuuuu hahaha. love ya girl. well i guess imma get going and start planning for tonight cus idn what im doin yet but -count fingers- 48 days till the OAR concert!!!! whoooooo!
much <3