Oct 23, 2005 05:48
heylo it's like 3 in the moring omg i had so much fun yesterday. yesterday was sam's b.day and he came over to meet my dad dood he was scared it was funny but my dad was nice to him. but after he met my dad we went back to chris's apartment and hung out oh ya fun he made us hide in his moms bathroom from some chic to scare her ya that guys a lil weird i think he was getting freaked out because me and sam were laying on his bed cuddling half the time lol then he took out his video camera and he was looking at his self and the giant pimple explode omg it was fucking gross and he had it on tape EWWWWWWWW
we went outside and there were these lil kids and chris went up to them and asked them if they wanted to lick his lollypop LMAO it was funny
well then i had to go home because it was like 8 so sam walked me home god i love him sooo much