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im sorry salvacore July 25 2004, 20:35:49 UTC
eric this is ryan butler. i am sorry for being a dick. honest to god i am. i never even had a problem with you until you and my friend rachel got into an argument. it pissed me off that you called her a black bitch. now i know that is all worked out and i guess i got carried away. but i will stop now. but im not apologizing cus sellout janet told me to though. your the best janet. way to be a good friend. im apologizing cus i really do feel bad and thats not what i want to be. so i know i've been an asshole, but it takes a strong person to stand up and admit hes wrong and hes a jerk and apologize for it. and if you could not forgive me, then thats acting more like a child then you guys say im acting. you dont have to be my friend. but from the beginning when i used to invite you over i wasn't trying to be gay. chapman wasn't going to touch you. i was being serious. but whatever im sorry and if you wanna call me and here it call me. 954 424 6560.

and kimmie im sorry to you too. you were always a great friend to me and i shouldn't have acted so childish. i hope you all can forgive me.
and if you dont want too. thats fine cus i dont need friends, not that you guys wanted to be my friends anyways. but right now my life is good cus i found out i was gay, play piano all day, work at my restaurant and go to the gym every day. i can bench 215 now which is more than anyone of my age or size could ever come close too. except for chris tamborelli cus he benches 225. but he takes creotine and is a year older a few inches taller and weighs more than me. plus i work out my legs. he doesn't. sorry to tell you guys all this crap, i was just trying to emphasize that im doing well and that its cool that you are such a good friend janet because you are always there for me. bye.


Re: im sorry _blackula_ July 26 2004, 20:24:25 UTC
ryan your awesome. well said buddy.
<3 <3 <3 rachel


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