Everyone loves sloganizer.

Sep 11, 2005 21:46

Yess. So one and a half days out of three of this weekend were actually good. Less than I had hoped.

Friday sucked. Plain and simple. I dunno.. I just felt.. ostrasized for some reason. Maybe it was just that we had these great plans set and they got -cough-.. well. Let's not get into that. Moving on.

Saturday rocked hard. Yess. We went malling (not mauling) and Hot Topic had a biggo clearance sale. I picked up a couple nifty T-shirts, a tank top, and a gir patch. (Dune bought them for me. I felt bad for being broke, but my parents wouldn't give me any money.) I told Dune to ask the people at some book store for the biiig Megatokyo poster in the window and they gave it to him for free. He has to pick it up tomorrow. I feel so special ^^ We also stopped at Party City to look at Halloween stuff. Fun. Dune seemed to enjoy it, so I'm glad.

Today was.. ehh.. half and half. :/ Morning sucked. I didn't feel good at all. It passed at around noon though. My parents took Mikey to the mall and left me home to watch my grandma. ._. Which I have mixed feelings about. She said she'd definatly pick me up something. I didn't mind watching her, but it was still upsetting.. Anyway! Around 2:30 I left for Dune's. We got candy, watched Ringu 2 and played some game. Pretty good. Get home, mom shows me all the stuff she bought herself and Mikey, gives me a set of patches. Which I found sightly upsetting, since she had asked what I would like her to pick me up there, and I said 'a pair of pants, maybe.' Well. They -had- a pair in my size. A pair I liked. My dad wouldn't let her buy them. Because omg I'd look like an unruly gawth roffle. Then I'd have to do drugs and cut myself. Right-o. And there was a shirt. That my mom said 'She was sure I'd have liked but didn't buy it because she didn't know if it was 'cool'.' I proceed to watch some American Dad show and she asks me if I'm upset, to which I anwser 'Um. Yeah.' Not necesarily bacause they didn't buy me anything.. but because they wouldn't give me money to go to the -exact- same sale the day before, but the moment they find out about it jump to take Mikey and but him a crapload of clothes. So she gives me the birthday present they had gotten me.. which was a pair of armwarmer things.. >_> I don't want to sound like some kind of ingrate.. and I hope that's not how I'm coming off. I just feel I got the really short end of the stick here. I need new pants. If I can get them for cheap I'm happy. Of course my idiot dad had to stick his nose into my life that he's barely a friggin' part of. It isn't like he has to actually see the way I'm dressed more than maybe a day out of the week >_>. And now I still don't have new pants and am not in a good mood at all.

Sorry about the rant, everyone. Really needed to though, and now I feel a little better. A little. If you didn't like it, I never forced you to read it. So once you started to see me get complainy.. it was probably a good indication to stop reading, and if you didn't then it's your own fault and I am in no way responsible. kthnx~

<3 Kaitlin
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