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Oct 15, 2006 15:30

i'm feeling a little down. i blame it completely on pbs. or my laziness. i was watching a history of uprisings/social awareness movements and it's connection to music and realized that the things that are going on right now are as bad as what happened in vietnam, but somehow no one understands it. i was listening to people talk about the revolutionary music of bob dylan and mc5 and how non-violent sit-ins cost people their lives and stories of people being beaten senseless for dissenting and i realized how lazy everyone has become. there isn't a draft (yet), so there isn't a real, visible danger to flee. people are safe, in all reality. i guess for a while i lived in a little bubble where people cared and actualized that through direct action. but as i'm looking around at the people that were doing that four years ago, i'm seeing that it's all come to a stand still. and this includes me.

so my resolution for the rest of this year is to become active in something. i've wanted for years to volunteer for the youth detention center as a mentor. i've made a million attempts at writing the zine that's been stuck in my head for years. now that i'm out of college, i really have no excuse. yeah, there are the 45+ hours i work every week. but work is no thesis paper or three exams plus two papers due on one day.

i honestly feel that my connection to the issues/wars in the rest of the world is purely theoretical - meaning that i'd rather write about it and be a means of awareness. so all you people who come up to me and tell me about the protest i missed and how i SHOULD have been there when i had to work a 10 hour day can just suck it. i just need to actually get involved. this is my goal for the next two and a half months. sympathizers are welcome. and someone kick me in the ass if i don't actually do these things.
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