Mar 10, 2005 19:27
ive decided to do a quick..uhh..entry.
you guessed it - its coz im bored.
let's see...what is there to talk about? well..
yesterday heaps of people went on some round-robbin thingie-ma-bob so jade was stuck hanging with us :P - ha ha!
it was fun though, i got to know a bit more about her etc. haha she probably wont even know my name by tuesday (monday is LABOR (cant spell) DAY! YAAAYYY!!)
the funny thing is - shes probably reading this... HI JADE
um..not much to talk about..
only the mckinnon girls will understand most of this post..
AHHH!! everyone thinks spannos and i are going out! or that we like eachother! AHHH! IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! i have too many other guys on my mind to worry about spannos!
today in the bis cam was like "so you and spannos a couple now?" and i was "NO! for the last time" and he's like "why not?" and i go "coz we're just FRIENDS!" and he's like "oh....ok...why dont you like him?" i go "coz i've got my mind on other guys" and hes like "who! who!" and im like "this guy from my old school" hes like "well the guy from your old school doesnt like you, go out with spannos!" im like ":S you dont even know what school i used to go to"
this world is full of DIP SHITS!
ahh, ms.orloff is going to go ape shit at the whole class coz no-ones doing the homework! haahahha!
id better go, tay or rosie or jen or someone from wesley - if ur reading this - EMAIL ME!!! you know my email address at school and if you dont - email me at my hotmail and ill email it to you.
love you all
- missin the weslians
- cbf going to school with the
- lemmie alone im tired...