Aug 29, 2005 15:28
JesusSavesKelsea: fuck shit fuck
gazamcrandom: skin tight
JesusSavesKelsea: let me clean this room, baby
JesusSavesKelsea: while I think of YOU
JesusSavesKelsea: in tights
JesusSavesKelsea: omg, that PACKAGE
gazamcrandom: its dangerous
JesusSavesKelsea: yes, baby
JesusSavesKelsea: I do work at UPS
JesusSavesKelsea: and I will check out that package
gazamcrandom: I deliver my package
gazamcrandom: everytime
gazamcrandom: on time
JesusSavesKelsea: On time
JesusSavesKelsea: yeah
JesusSavesKelsea: Rain or shine, baby
JesusSavesKelsea: Oh, baby
JesusSavesKelsea: I've got your shipping and 'handling" right here.
gazamcrandom: handle with care baby. handle with care.
JesusSavesKelsea: Oh, trust me , baby. I know it will break easily.
gazamcrandom: fragile. this way up ONLY