My name is Courtney, people call me Pandachan but you call call me either. As you can see this journal is friends only. So follow the rules and I'll more than likely add you.
(1)We have to share some common ground, interests, communities, etc.
(2)I like friends who comment on my journal, I do the same to most of my
friends so I won't exclude you.
(3)Please try not to offend others on my journal. So Don't be a big
meanie-head please? :0
(4) Anime-Tolerant, I mean it's not my life, but I do like it, if your a
anti-anime, you might as well not add me.
(4) At times I do rant about stuff in my journal, but that is what I kind
of have one for, but my journal is my journal, you don't like it
don't read it. =)
(5)You must post "OoOlieOblaGAH" in your comment subject so I know you've
at least glanced at my rules. =) Plus it's fun to say and type >D
(6) There's really no need for this rule... =/
I will not add you until I know you have read the rules...Hint Hint rule 5.