(no subject)

Jul 17, 2004 15:28

Lately I have felt so lonely. My friends have abandoned me for their boyfriends or guys they like. I never did this to them in fact I always choose them before a guy and now it's like I never existed. Oh my goodness what is this obsession my family has with criticizing me. They do it even in the way I stand or sit. Excuse me for not being perfect or wanting to be comfortable. I swear they tell me one more time how I should act I'm gonna scream. My family can't even accept the way I am, they want to mold me. Funny thing though that my cousin said to me and my sister. He said I look all shy and innocent and my sister looks outgoing and wild when in fact it's the complete opposite and he sort of got scared. I think it is true that you always have to fear the shy ones cuz you never know how they are when you get them alone. My cousin's trying to introduce me to this guy and at first I couldn't cuz I had a boyfriend couple days later I told him I broke up with him and he's all like now I can introduce you to this guy and I said sure but now he won't cuz he thinks I'm to immature. He doesn't know me he still sees me as this 12 year old girl. I'm not 12 anymore I can handle myself. I'll be 20 in a couple months. Well I guess we'll see how this works out.
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