May 29, 2008 18:12
i cant decide if i want to shave my head again or grow my hair out long....hmm....its a toughie.
only 2 more days until my birthday. too bad i have to spend it in dayton. im going to get a cake and stuff, and my family is taking me to the bar after dinner, but still.....i dont get to party with any of my friends or do anything other than drink....well that is until i get home. im gonna try to throw a late birthday party if i can get away with it. im not on the lease like i was at my last apartment, this time im not a lease holder im just listed as someone living in the apartment, so since my mom said i cant have a party i might not be able to. ill have to figure something out.
on friday the 13th you can get 20 dollar tattoos and house of tattoo on 6th ave. if i have the money im going to get at least one.
im getting my car fixed finally!! and no one is fucking driving it ever again except me. i dont care if im so drunk im singing nursery rhymes and publicly masturbating, if the only way to get home is my car im driving. i let stoffy drive my car one night when i was baby sitting, and he got shitfaced and drove it home from a party, and he hit a fucking speed bump going 30 something and knocked the goddamn muffler loose.
speaking of not letting people drive my car, that reminds me of the time i was in nordstroms and derek was trying to talk me into reconciling with stoffy, and he coughed and almost shit himself. im laughing about that right now.
i need to clip my toenails. gross, i know. my feet are starting to look like my grandpas. hes too fat to bend over and clip his nails so someone has to do it for him....ew.
i cant decide if i want to buy a pint or eyeliner....another toughie.