hot toddy

Mar 12, 2012 23:04

why let the flu get me down. lets drink!

#1 w/ a Bulleit
the hot toddy is a Scottish concoction, basically Scotch mixt with boiling water. but i luv me some bourbon, and we have lots of that thanks to frayed_yak offering a house gift of Knob Creek No. 9 and wisemonkey adding another bottle of Bulleit to the stash.

this drink made me happy the other nite, and sent me off into a pleasant snoozeland.

1. take a normal coffee cup
2. coat the bottom of the cup with honey
3. squeeze in the juice of ½ a lemon
4. add 1½ oz. of Bulleit bourbon
5. fill the cup with boiling water
6. stir with a cinnamon stick, then let steep

mmm ... i am gonna make one here before i try to get me some sleeps.

speakin' easy

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