
Jun 05, 2010 18:34

i wrote 4100 words of a new novel this morning which has the working title of splork! so what happened to the other novel i was working on? well, as has happened before, i reached a point where it was becoming too heavy for me - stirring up all sorts of shit within me that doesnt need to be stirred up at the moment. i reach a creative dilemma - feeling like i have a lot to say, but feeling like doing so is going to completely drag me down emotionally. yeah, i get pretty emotionally invested in what i am writing. too much so. but thats me and who i am and how i operate.

how i also operate when i feel that stress is to junk whatever i was doing, do a 180°, and make a conscious effort to do exactly the opposite of what i was doing before. instead of grimness & heaviness, i am now practicing comedy and delving into absurdity, creating a bizarro version of San Francisco that suits my slightly whacked personality. fuck feeling heavy. be light, be fast, be funny and stupid.

drama is always extremely constricting, anyway - you have to justify why people behave badly. in comedy, i find characters can just be as strange or as neurotic or as stupid as they wish. if its funny, who gives a shit about motivation?

so i'm liking where this is going, but i'm also feeling punchy and combative at the moment, so nobody had better piss me off. and there are some people who are REALLY ANNOYING ME. but i had a nice time tromping upon the merry roads of the Mission this afternoon in the sun. that was nice. lets hope i dont have to put on the stompin' boots ...

KC is making croissants! be still my foolish heart.


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