My FiRst EnTrY..YeY!

Mar 09, 2002 01:19

Uum arent u guys interested in reading my first entry..yea yea I bet u are. First off, I must thank Cindy..if it werent for her,I wouldnt be here typing. (It sounds like I just won an award or yea thanks Cindilyta..143!!
Moving on to my typing..well tonight was an awkward day..and the night even more! That might explain why my mood is a "contemplative"..or pensive.(hmm u like the words huh Jova??..SAT SAT!)Anyway, it was a normal day at school...same shit..different day. This week was very chillin..Imagine next week..FCAT!!..TRuuuu..(Sorry Barbs & Daylin..Muah). That was that..tonight I talked to jova on the phone..she irritated the hell out of me with her hyperness..que pesaaaa!! Barbs parentals picked me up..took us to jovas house..we heard her mom give us a lil speech..we took picz..(send them to me jova! not the boobs one..u r priviliged enough to keep those). Then we rode out to Daylins house for our so called "ultra Meeting"..Nice nice..NO MEETING!!! then we went on our way to Cindys house..where lil mrs cindita was kinda on the buzzed side..DAMN ALKI!!..Well lucky for Cindy,Kirelis,alejandra,Veronica,Yeileen,Alejandra and of course Jova & Barby..they got to see then send my bf on a mission to buy freaking Bacardi Liiimon..(cindy!! there was a lil mission for and john broke up..well kinda..He has this way of just AHHH..I love him too much!! But today he proved a lot..just by that..I really hope he realizes whats good for him and that im not trying to be an annoying bossy gf but just that I care for him so much..Can it be really thaaat hard to leave all that shit??..Is it possible to actually leave it?..Does love really conquer everything??..AHH too many questions...To end my first long entry..i wanna thank u girls for accepting my bf..likinghim..making him feel comfortable..that means a whole lot..and thanks for just being so awesome!!..14345!!!!

* I spent some time with the baby..she's such a cutie..i want one!!
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