Lots Goin' On

Jun 15, 2004 21:19

I got a lot goin' on this week. I'm gonna try to summarize it all.
I think it's safe to call Kara by her real name. Everyone's bein' fruity and gettin' onto me about it. So, it's Niki. Happy everyone?
Friday night to Monday afternoon I was at Ryan's house. We had so much freakin' fun. The main thing we were fixed on all weekend was EuroTrip because it's just that funny. We went to Kelli's party on Saturday and played games and hung out. Games were mainly Spin-Da-Bottle (childish, but sexy) and Truth-Or-Dare, without the truth. Only dares, that made it hotter. Incredible fun level.
Today, Tuesday, nothing happened. I had to mow the lawn in sauna-like heat.
Tomorrow and Thursday I have weight room. I'm goin' in the morning so hopefully it'll be colder. Which reminds me, my mom got me a ton of these little chocolate shakes with all this protien and low carbs and stuff. It has a real weird aftertaste, but it helps a lot.
Thursday I have a doctor's appointment as well. I have to get a physical as well as this whole nasal thing. Lately I've been having a lot of nosebleeds. So I'm gonna get that checked out and hopefully get something to help it. I'm really sick of them, too. Today I had one in the shower. I didn't even feel it 'cause I'm so used to them. I stopped the drain to see how dirty the water would get. I had already washed once before that, but I got really dirty mowing the lawn so I wanted to see how well the soap worked. Well, when I went to wash my face, I guess I tapped my nose too hard or somethin' dumb and it started bleeding, and as I said, I didn't know. I opened my eyes about 5 minutes later after shampooing and such, and I looked down and the whole tub was red from blood. It was barely water anymore.
Very gross.
I said I would try to summarize this, and I didn't do a good job with that. Sorry.
Nakey Jakey out
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