Bodie Diary Saturday, Juune 20, 2009

Jul 11, 2009 11:12

Bodie Diary - Saturday June 20, 2009

The sky was clear, the wind was light and chilly. I couldn't quite make out the thermometer but it was below freezing for sure. It never did warm up as nice as yesterday, but it was a pretty day with clouds occasionally dotting the sky. As I sit here tonight before the sun dips down, the clouds threaten once again to build up and close in on the mining town of the Sierras that I have called my home for over a week now.

It was a work day in the museum. I dusted the cases with collections from an era gone by. I sold books, maps, brochures, post cards & more. I folded t-shirt after t-shirt and put out for sale. Jenna was with me and we worked well together. We made friends with two puppies and their owners and yearned for our own fur babies left behind. The town was full of dogs it seemed, who walked beside owners curious and peering in and out of century old buildings left in arrested decay.

At break, I consoled a disturbed co-worker and realized that some things probably haven't changed all that much in the modern century. Human nature has tendancies hard to grow rid of.

Jordan and I tried to learn how to run the video in the Red Barn Theater upon instruction by James, but proved electronically challenged, particularly me.

Back at the museum we sold more items, gave out more information, and calmed an unhappy man who felt he had not been given enough information on a stamp mill tour. We got him on Debbie's 4:00 extended tour and he was still upset over things, Debbie in particular. Seeing potential for more problems, I horned in on the tour, chatted with him before it started, and walked back to main Street with him afterwards. Whatever damage had been done at the kiosk when he entered Bodie, was forgotten by Debbie's excellent tour. She may not be completely catching on at the kiosk but she certainly has the stamp mill and history talk down.

Back at camp in my crib on wheels - I tried wireless for the first time - with as little luck as I had at the Red Barn. I took to my pen and paper to tuck away the days journal and gave up on the computer altogether. My friends back home surely are wondering what happened to me. Ah modern techonologies in an old town.
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