Jun 23, 2004 23:31
Alright. So i forgave the person for the previous thing, because how can i hold something against someone b/c they made one bad decision. So im finally done with finals. And i am now officially a junior. Which isnt so great cause i heard its the hardest year of high school. But ill deal with it. music is cool. can i get a whoop whoop? tonight went to the thing at maria regina chirch. what? a jew at a church giving money for games and rides and stuff? no way, tell me more. there was this band there caled gravy. For those of you tht once thought self revolution sucked, i think we are better than gravy. their site is www.hotgravy.net. tomorrow chillin with corey, then friday band practice. No plans for the weekend yet im me or give me a call if u wanna do something. and oh yea, comment