Oh boy

Jan 14, 2014 00:16

Didn't think I'd come back here for a loooooong time...

But some particular group is back (here). And back to be a bitch again lol.

But, it's not to say this person can be 100% terrible. There are a few horrible groups out there who decide to fully shut and not give two shits about new readers and all. (And some fucking ridiculous group *coughs* you know dat group who called me the fuck out in her own personal journal haha cough* that has the rule "do not mention us on the internetzzzZZZZ oK" bullshit yes afasicnasd however i spell your name i'm looking at you)

Although, fret not because if you shut, someone else is bound to come along, make a new group and do what the closed group is doing. This is why I dislike LJ, and some really haughty scan groups. It's true, though. It's the internet. You can't put something here and expect everyone to obey it. I've learned it, and that's why there are barely any rules I bothered. It'll make us all free and give us all less pain.

The less you try to control, sometimes, the better everything is. /o/

This is why this thing called "scanlations" isn't worth putting a dime into. Everything goes to shit in a short time, and the momentary happiness you feel isn't a fulfilling happiness at all. It's short-term and not worth it.

Splodey is for some reason using LJ to blog in the longest time. It's odd, and still shitty as ever. She's back here and full of vinegar.


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