Nov 11, 2012 12:11

Like in the last post, I come with confirmed timings. I doubt I will change it since quite a few have seen the confirmed timing post on twitter and tumblr, but haven't told me to change it or anything, so I'm leaving it as it is. So the confirmed stuffs is below:

When: 18th November, 12am GMT+9, Sunday
Where: My usual livestream link, to be provided later

More details:
· R-18, nudity, so please make sure no one is around you, and if possible, use earphones!
· 1 hour 23 mins long, if you need breaks in between, that's also okay.
· Feel free to leave any time if the movie doesn't hold your interest. :)
· If you need help with finding out your GMT, lemme know!
· Feel free to use the buttons below to tell other people~!

Yep, that's about it, and uh holy shit t3rribletrio is shut down?! What happened now. D: or did they shift and nobody knows?

Oh and just found a line on the net that is very very good, and reminds me of a certain someone who used that particular line a lot to me in the past: "People on the internet these days always pull out the same old "I'm entitled to my own opinion" line (usually those who use it as a shield for being unnecessarily rude)."

Dude, don't always rely on "I'm entitled to my own opinion" as an excuse for rudeness, please. I got that a lot with someone and it really pissed me off. :\

splodey's cinema, fuckyeah!

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