Thanks everyone. :'D For all the b'day wishes. Now let me reflect on this 8 months...

Jun 08, 2012 14:29

Thanks all for all the beautiful b'day wishes. Got up this morning and saw them spewed across twitter, and LJ via PMs and comments, and even a post at daihonmei by zamarinth, so thank you. xD;; It came along with a release by cheezy as well, so hop on over to grab it! echochi_scans is where you can get updates via LJ easily. :)

With this birthday, I won't ever stop yaoi. No matter how old I grow. okay when I enter buddhahood I will stop but for as long as it lasts, I probably won't stop lol! So I can guarantee you by maintaining this LJ and tumblr for as long as I can!

So, of COURSE I've got to show you things I received from users mayu_kkg and crissema. They're all adorable.

So first up, thanks mayu_kkg for being a wonderfully creepy aunty and helping me through many things. The stuffs you sent were useful. And this time, GINTAMA FANART FROM YOU?! GINTAMA FANART AGAIN FROM YOU?! YES!

Ahhhh mayu! So beautiful! <3 The last picture has Gin-chan saying, "One more time, Toushirou..." and Hijikata's like, "...What dream did you have?"

UNF ALL THE FUJOSHI FANTASIES ARE SURFACING IN MY HEAD NOW I CAN'T HANDLE THIS. /DIES < wait no, as a fujoshi I should be able to handle this... ahem yes. More of it, like clothes switching over at this post mayu made. 8D

And then crissema with skeeeelz giving me wonderful LICKING PLEASURES.

Thank you <3 I WILL BE LICKING THE CAKE VERY MUCHLY. 8D LICKING IT VERY CLEAN. though i'd rather be licking the real ginchan's ****

And yes, all the birthday wishes, thank you so much. I guess I'm especially happy 'cause I'm alone overseas with no family, so you guys are all beautiful family for me, and have always been. Believe it or not, you guys have been a great solace for me throughout my first time staying away from home for so long. So yes, this is thanks for all on LJ and twitter (and for some on tumblr and plurk, if you wandered your way here). Yes, as much as I don't find birthday celebrations particularly important, this was very memorable to me and I appreciate every single one of your b'day wishes. :)

And now, time to reflect on my time spent in England. About 8 months and a few weeks, I suppose. If you want to read this, maybe grab a cuppa coffee or something, but there's nothing much in this, tbh. xD;;

So thinking back, I arrived in the UK 12th September, 2011, half-scared and not sure what I was really in for when I applied to study Japanese. I know, it's weird, isn't it, East Asian not interested in European languages, but interested in East Asian stuffs. It's probably because Singapore just focused too much on Math/Science development, I had no chance to appreciate the culture around me, so I started to lean that way. I guess I'm rebellious that I refuse to conform to societal's 'norm'.

And even more so, I had no idea I would be in for such a style of studying, doing research on my own, using the library more than before and even ending up studying Mongolian for a year. A new language that I NEVER thought I'd study. I never thought university was such a lonely thing, though I've been told. It's really different from studying in high school or something, where you share the same break with a lot of other friends of yours since most are in the same classes, and you'd be familiar with each other.

In these gigantic lecture halls there are usually faces you don't know from the start to the finish, and you never even know they existed. University is like going to work, except you don't experience the pleasure of getting money back, you have your money sucked out.

But I feel I've grown up. ...Wait what xploded_tb grows up?! WHY YES I DO THANK YOU VERY MUCH. In the past I used to take taxis often, refused to walk and refused to do things by myself. well I did but not as much as now Now that I've actually gone out, I don't have my mom to help me do these things, I've got to handle it myself. I can't just wait for someone to come to help me, I've got to do it myself.

...OKAY I admit I still have problems with doing them myself, but I just get forced to do it, so I end up getting things settled by myself. Ah, if only if life wasn't so complicated and everyone can be lazyyyyy. /rolls in laziness

Anyway, with regards to Japanese, maybe because I started off with a bunch of intermediate students (and not as beginner's) I don't really see massive improvements. No doubt, I have become more proficient in it since 70% of the time we speak in Japanese in classes. Except, you know, we only have 4 hours per week so it's not very much either. I expect to seriously become proficient from this September onwards. I'd be forced to use it nearly every day, and stare at it nearly every day. I'LL IMPROVE DRASTICALLY, RIGHT? 8D

So, to end it all, I suppose this year was filled with growing up. Now that I'm 20, and expected to act like an adult, I think I should just be like one, more mature and more ready for what's to come.

But believe me, when I say "adult" I just mean this.

...Well, only xploded_tb has the ability to make an important reflective post turn into a dirty lewd conclusion. Right?

!about me, !rambling, uni, birthdays, rl, fandom: gintama, !worth remembering, singapore

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