Feel free to ignore this post. For those who don't get it, it's okay.

May 10, 2012 19:24

I keep thinking about how much I must literally reek for the past few months. I have increased meat, garlic and onion intake by god-knows-how-much and for that, I think my body must be so horribly disgusting and filled with a stench.

Yet at times I'm reminded of how nice the sausage tastes, or how nice the curry tastes. It's so horrible, human desire and craving - the very cause of our own suffering. Perhaps I have read a little too much and contemplated a little too much over the 4 Noble Truths for me to have reached such a conclusion.

I recall once the monk whom my mom used to speak to often (he had to return to China) would joke about how you might have accidentally eaten your relative, whether in this life or your last few ones. Then I think about it sometimes when I cut meat in the kitchen. (This was quite a bit ago, though.)

I think about it when I look at my flatmates sometimes marinating chicken or something on the table. I think they might be eating my uncle. Or my lover in my previous life.

I think about the desire for meat that accompanies the soup, or broth or even sauces that makes the food so delicious. I think about the texture and the flavor.

Perhaps my relatives or someone connected to me is this delicious. This may be where we're all so cannibalistic and dangerous - whether sexually or just physically for the sake of surviving in this world.

I am, currently very ironically consuming meat as I type this post.

I think to myself, "How delicious. Who is it I am eating now?"

!worth remembering, obviously i think too much

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