Oh hey, this is amazing. And this is also an extra long post with lots of random fandom RL shit?

Jan 28, 2012 17:22

Man, this journal is chucked full with lots of shit, I don't even know why you guys read it. (Well yeah, besides the summaries and translations, why should anyone be interested with what's going on in xploded_tb's life? Even so I'm still going to force all information and foodpr0n and random shit on you bwahahaha)

And since this is the 1000th post, I'll explain everything and anything. \o/

Regarding the ICU thing, I'll do it as a Q and A format. :'D

Q: Have you gotten into the university itself yet?
A: Nope, I haven't gotten into the university itself. I've just been told by the school that I'll have to apply there. If I haven't been reading things wrong... But basically we only have 3 students going there. Usually only the 'better' schools take in only like 2 - 3 students, so ICU is one of them besides Waseda and Doshisha. :D

Q: What will you be studying over there?
A: I'll be intensively cramming Japanese into my lazy self, so when I get back I'll get extremely fluent with Japanese. Let's hope that happens. I'll also get to study their culture, history etc. It depends on what I do. I still get to pick modules myself.

Q: How long will you be there for, and when? I want to get you to buy things and ship it to me!
A: I'll be there for about a year, from this year September onwards. So yeah, another GMT time change to GMT +9. :'D NO YOU GET NOTHIN' BWAHAHAHA

Q: What's this whole thing about ICU being the Intensive Care Unit?
A: ....I was kidding. Because when one says ICU you think about that. So yeah, when I first heard the school name 2 years ago, I was like, "....You want me to end up in the hospital." oh look I did

Q: So what does it stand for, ICU?
A: It stands for International Christian University. And it is a Christian university with a church, which I think if they have new students with a new academic year, you pretty much end up at a church within campus and stuffs. That's what I heard. However, that's the only point in time you'll be there. Otherwise things like um sermons and all these aren't even compulsory, so not very Christian, compared to my previous international school which I have been in for 6 years.

Q: Can I visit you while you're there?!

THIS MEANS YES PLEASE. But I'll tell you guys my term dates when they become available, so if you really want to drop by, yes do it. I'll bring you around. Besides, I'm in Tokyo. It'll be great fun! If you really want to know more come discuss with me on IRC so I can really chat with you. \o/

Q: What's this business with seiyuu and stuffs? :O
A: Easy. It's a silly, stupid unattainable dream that I'm chasing after. I love being an ass to myself...

Q: And when this one year ends? You get your degree?
A: Nope, I come back to bad-weather-land and resume my final two years, and finally graduate with a degree. Then after I have no idea wtf I should do, so perhaps I can go back to Japan to pursue a seiyuu job fo' realz.

I'll also be you know, posting loads from Japan so I guess you get to read tons of things while I'm there. I hope to do so many things over there you can't believe it. This is definitely a dream come true. I'm not sure if I stayed and got into NUS I'd have this chance. So I'm just happy that I'm lucky. I'll treasure this for sure.

With all that explained and done away, if you have anything else you wanna ask, go ahead and shoot! :D And now. PHOTOS FOR EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING.

This is what I caught one day when I was walking back from uni to home, and omg this was gorgeous. Taking this with the iPhone made it really beautiful, compared to using the clearer camera. The sky looks like it's been painted by watercolor and all that. So gorgeous!

One morning during the holidays (they were about to finish already, though) I ordered a bunch of stuffs from online shopping and woot, this is what I got. \o/ I was so hungry and one morning I ate that much. But that was good, I ate no lunch and went straight for dinner. XD


Kinda like you know, Hong Kong's "gong zai meen", except theirs is ham instead of sausage. And there's a stalk of vege in it. Mine didn't. xD But yeah, I felt like having that. If you go to Hong Kong, that's what they usually have as well. Just a bowl of instant noodles and a piece of ham, a fried egg and also a bit of vege in it. :D I've never been there, but watching TVB shows makes you totally see their eating habits. xD

And no the sausage does not look like a peen. :)

Next, a sexy, sexy Gintoki with strawberry milk all over him. Basically, it's just Gin-san!spam because he's sexy like that. <3


OMG OMGOMGGGGG PAAKO BEAUTY. <3333 Why omg why does Sorachi not put more Paako in it. And make Paako really beautiful and seduce Hijikata? ahahaha then again this is shounen but wtf anything could happen in this freakin' manga

And woo, this one is when Gintoki decides to smell Hijikata's shirt and Hijikata's like, "wut are you doing?" and Gin totally just goes, "...Nothing." xD Awwww tsuntsun!Gin is the first one I've seen here. Guhhhh PIXIV WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY AWESOME ARTISTS?!

Now for videos. C'mon, 1000th journal entry deserves this much, doesn't it!? :D

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I LOVED this performance for some reason. Maybe because of the elaborate glass smashing, and the song Speechless itself. There's also another Speechless performance which I liked, the duet with Elton John! ;w;

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I'm surprised at how I'm just listening to her songs when I actually labeled her as just totally otherworldly and weird. And now that I've actually listened to her, especially the song Speechless, I do think she has more than just "the weird outlook" that everyone is so adamant about. She can sing, definitely, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten this far. The autotuning happens in so many songs nowadays, she just couldn't escape that. But I think the song Speechless sets that aside, and woo, it's a wonderful song. :D She's got a strange pull...Either that or my tastes have changed, obviously.

Oh, but Kalafina is still number one for me, NO ONE CAN OVERTAKE THEM. :( I'm still sad I missed the very year they came to Singapore and it's also the very year I have decided to go abroad. I mean, c'mon! D: Oh well Japan here I come!

For the Korean fans or something, I suppose you guys know the Gee song from...uhhh SNSD (?) but if you haven't seen this, YOU SHOULD:

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Head of SMAP is the one leading them. ;D I can't even freakin' dance, I fail. D: S-So amazingly well done. I can't even...ohgod.

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The above 2 videos explains why I love my own country. Because it's so full of shit. I think this will a good time to reminisce for those Singaporeans outside of Singapore, haha! This is wonderful reminding you we have some cool motherfuckin' dialects that cannot be gotten rid of. Never in years to come. And every time I say I use LJ to fellow Singaporeans, they start laughing and I have to point to them I don't mean THAT LJ, I meant LiveJournal, hahaha. Sorry, only locals will understand this.

Finally, I dunno if I've put it here or not, but if you haven't seen it, please do. Like it spread it do whatever you can to make me famous no I'm kidding oh maybe it might work so I can work towards my seiyuu dream? I'm that egoistical to embed myself here, yes:

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This is the name of a keymon monkey in Gintama. Yes, the anime which has anything possible and everything possible. I'm looking forward to the arc with Hijikata and the new gumi. I suddenly forgot their name... xD

Ask me anything! Get down and personal or ask me the most random stuff ever. Ask about me, about my habits, about my love interest (lolwut that'd be Gintoki...), about what time I sleep, about why the hell I'm so lazy - ANYTHING. Go ahead, shoot. Even if you didn't friend me on LJ or whatever, even if you're just here to stalk translations/summaries, just ask me. I'll answer them!

You can also find me at other sites now: twitter / tumblr

Finally, монгол хэл хэцүү, дургуй. Би Япон хэл дуртай.

videos, lj, randomness in all randomity, food!pr0n, so sexy i can't even, fandom: gintama, singapore, scenery!pr0n, gintoki ♥, !about me, japan: exchange 2012/2013, монгол, uni, rl, why do i have so much time?, !worth remembering, meme, hijigin

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