Oct 22, 2011 21:45
And watched No. 6.
Well, yeah, I do go all over NezumiShion but I do have a soft spot for SafuShion. ;w;
At least anime context-wise. I have been told to read the novel (which I refuse to because I am so lazy to read chunks of words...) to get more out of it because the anime didn't do it that well according to a few people. :P Not sure and can't give it any criticism since I haven't read the novel at all.
Well, let's just talk anime-wise.
I mean, the drawings are pretty. <3 I'm all for pretty boys and stuff. And yay another crossdressing moment! Though, there's a few things I never did quite understand...
....Like the two kisses they gave to each other. I mean like, "wut" was my reaction for both kisses. I dunno - it's like for no apparent reason they find the need to kiss/be close to each other?! Kind of like Haruka and Kantarou in Tactics when I first watched the anime... I know, everyone goes "kyaaa" or "omg <3" when they do it, but sometimes I find there is a need and a reason to do it so I don't understand the actions behind them.
............I'll just think it's purely for fanservice. Even so, yeah, overall for 11 episodes, it isn't bad! All is good, and I pity Safu. ;w; Such a strong girl, independent and just looking forward to things in her life and she gets that sort of...treatment. As much as this is all fake fiction blabla we see the ugly side of humanity. How we throw things away so easily, how we try to eliminate things that do not go our way or shun people that we do not share opinions with, how we build walls to segregate people who are "different"... so many other things!
This whole thing seems like a resolution to me somewhat, so I think that may be it even if I've somewhat seen people who go "SEASON 2 KUDASAI" but... I dunno. I'm interested in reading the manga at least!
Anyway, for those who haven't watched, this isn't a bad watch. For 11 episodes, things didn't progress too fast or slow (though there are certain jarring bits) so it's at a good pace.
fandom: no. 6,
fandom: tactics